However, the participants were divided into two
groups. One of which was asked to write a list describing everything
they accomplished in the past few days. While the other was asked to
write a to-do list laying out what they needed to remember to get done
in the next few days. Aka one group was more of a reflection, while the
other was forward-thinking.
Fast forward to the end
of the experiment and researchers found that people who wrote to-do
lists before bed (the forward-thinkers) fell asleep nine minutes faster
than the ones who wrote about what they had accomplished (the
"Therefore, to facilitate falling
asleep, individuals may derive benefit from writing a very specific
to-do list for five minutes at bedtime rather than journaling about
completed activities," researchers concluded.
fact, the more specific the to-do list, the better. Those who wrote
longer and more detailed tasks to be completed when they woke fell
asleep the fastest.
few Glamour staffers can attest to this method and even keep a notepad
and pen by their beds at night. That way if they're woken in the night
because of a task they forgot about, they can write it down and go
straight back to sleep safely knowing they won't forget in the morning.
It's worth a shot right?
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