By Saba Murtaz
If you have been feeling a little low lately, or for a while, there could be several things that are making you feel this way. Of course, it is important if you feel that it is more than a little bit of a low mood, that you head to the doctors and have a discussion about your mental health.

Say No
Many people take on much more than they can handle, and because of this, they feel overwhelmed, and that can quickly turn into feeling not good enough, and that again can have a negative impact on your mood. It is important that you understand the power of saying no.
If you are not sleeping well at night, and not resting well, it will have an impact on your mood. If you struggle to unwind in the evening, it might be time to add some meditation or some sleep stories into your evening routine. You can increase this effect by having a chamomile tea, warm milk or warm oats before bed.
General Health
Did you know that things like hearing loss can impact your mood? So if you haven’t had a hearing test recently, or for some time, you should probably book one. Online hearing is a great place to start. The same goes for suffering from migraines, headaches, aches and pains, all of these can contribute to a low mood.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential as it helps our body make use of calcium. However, a deficiency can also impact moods, so it is a good idea to make sure that you have your vitamin levels tested at the doctors as soon as possible. This is more important with modern life as many people work in offices and don’t get out as much as they might like to. You can also get vitamin B12 levels tested as a deficiency in B12 can lead to a whole range of issues.
It is proven that hobbies make us happier, however, if you aren’t spending enough time on that hobby, you’re not going to benefit from all of the great stuff they bring. As well as taking your mind off other things, they give us a creative outlet.
If you aren't already then it’s time that you do a hobby. It releases oxytocin, and each time you do your hobby, the levels increase more. So if you do your hobby every day or as often as you can, your general happiness levels will increase. Not only that, but doing something that we enjoy, like a hobby, will reduce your stress levels overall. So try to make time to fit in.
There are a number of things that you can do to help elevate your mood, lower stress, increase the frequency you take part in hobbies that you enjoy, Check your general health with your GP, and ensure that you add multivitamin into your daily routine. Meditation is also a great way to help you learn how to push negative thoughts away and focus on the positive ones. Often the best course of action is to start talking to a friend and see if that helps.