And, lucky for you, this article will share all and you can visit the health section of this blog for more information too.
How to Deal with a Cut
Minor cuts are common and are usually quite simple to deal with. The most important thing to remember is that you must make sure that the wound is clean and then apply pressure to stop the bleeding. A wodge of gauze or another sterile fabric is usually the best option as it will absorb any blood that escapes.If you have cut yourself on a rusty nail - very common amongst gardeners - you must make sure that you visit a doctor to get a tetanus vaccination. Not doing this risks infection and for such a small thing, you really don’t want to take that risk!
For larger or more serious cuts, you should apply pressure with gauze as before and go to the emergency room for further treatment. It’s a good rule to go directly to the ER for cuts that are longer than 5cm as they may require a minimally invasive wound closure procedure to aid healing. You should also go if the bleeding won’t stop, the wound has a jagged edge or there is a lot of contamination.
How to Deal with a Burn
The best way to deal with a minor first- or second-degree burn is to run the affected area under a cool tap for at least 5 minutes, or 15 minutes for a more serious burn. Once the skin is cool, apply antibiotic cream to blisters and gently wrap in a bandage to protect the skin. If the skin becomes infected or you are at all worried about the burn, you should seek medical help.You should never try to treat a third-degree burn (characterized by lack of blistering, dark brown coloring and leathery texture) - instead, call 911 immediately. You should always seek emergency treatment for burns that affect a large area more than 3cm or burns that affect your joints, face or other delicate areas.
How to Deal with a Sting
The most common stings come from bees and wasps and are very easy to treat, though they are obviously uncomfortable! The first thing to do is to remove the sting carefully by scraping it out using a credit card. Then, you should wash the sting with mild soapy water. You might also like to add hydrocortisone cream to reduce the itch. If you are worried about allergy to stings, you should also take an antihistamine pill and seek urgent medical advice.Dealing with basic injuries and stings will definitely help you day to day. Just remember that the most important thing as a person providing first aid is that you remain calm and call for help as soon as you are out of your depth!