Top 9 Foods To Banish Bloating

Most of us experience bloating at some point or another, but for some people it’s a common and recurring nuisance. Our bloating woes occur as a result of dehydration, constipation or gas trapped in the digestive tract, often a result of eating too many of the wrong foods and not enough of the right ones.

Swiss Chard

Leafy dark veg Swiss chard is an excellent source of potassium, which helps to balance sodium levels in the body and can prevent water retention that leads to puffiness in the face and belly bloat.



Made of 96% water, cucumbers can help you to stay hydrated, flushing your system of excess fluids and preventing bloat. Cucumbers are also rich in specific minerals that stimulate the removal of fat, sulphur and silicon. They are so low in calories, that you may burn more digesting a cucumber than you take in by eating it.



Reach for plain Greek yogurt when you want to beat bloat and rev up your metabolism. The probiotic cultures found in yogurt will benefit the “good” bacteria living in your gut. These bacteria can help with digestive health and reduce constipation that can cause bloating and abdominal discomfort.


Lemon Water

It sounds almost too obvious, but seriously, lemon waterworks. Hydration flushes excess sodium from your body to flatten your stomach and lemon soothes your digestive system, which helps you banish bloat for good.



Packed with water (95%), celery can help decrease water retention by keeping you hydrated. Celery contains both insoluble and soluble fibre, which can slow the absorption of carbohydrates and help keep blood sugar levels steady.



It’s all in the name; watermelon is 92% water to keep you hydrated and bloat free. This tasty summer fruit is also an excellent source of potassium, which can help reduce water retention. Watermelon contains the amino acid arginine, believed to increase lean muscle and decrease body fat.


Green Tea

Green tea has been studied for its metabolism boosting effects, and its ability to inhibit fat absorption. Containing the compound known as EGCG, it can speed up your metabolism for up to 24 hours after sipping a cup. Green tea is also a diuretic that can help reduce bloat and improve digestion.



Whole oats are a complex carbohydrate and healthy whole grain that takes longer to digest than most complex carbs. The longer it takes for your body to break down and digest a food, the more energy (calories) are needed to do the job and the longer your metabolism will be at work. The insoluble fibre in oats supports improved digestion and reduced constipation for a flatter tummy.


Red Berries

Strawberries and raspberries have a lower sugar content compared to sweeter fruits, which can help stave off bloating as a result of excess fructose. The fibre found in these berries will also help keep belly bloat away.

The next time you’re feeling the bloat, steer clear of processed foods and sodas and reach for one of these 10 foods instead. Your tummy will thank you for it.
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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: Top 9 Foods To Banish Bloating
Top 9 Foods To Banish Bloating
These 10 foods work double duty as they fire up your metabolism and help beat belly bloat to keep your tummy flat. Find out what makes these foods so special.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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