There are many things you protect yourself from. You protect our skin from UV damage with sun cream. You prevent different diseases with vaccinations. But what about your hearing?
Your hearing is something to be cherished, it could be devastating to lose it. Our hearing naturally declines with everything else as we age, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take steps to protect it. Here’s how to protect your hearing for the future.

Stay away from loud noises
Sometimes it can be difficult to avoid loud noises, but in the instances where you can - you should try. If something is so loud that you have to raise your voice to talk over it, or you can’t hear what others are saying, you should try to move to somewhere quieter as soon as you can. Familiarize yourself with safe sound levels to help you get to know the types of situations you should avoid.Use earphones with caution
While listening to music through earphones or headphones can be good for reducing noise around you, prolonged periods of listening at a high volume could be damaging to your hearing. You should try to use noise-cancelling headphones that will allow you to listen to music at a comfortable level without outside noise, and remembering to take breaks while listening to give your ears a rest.Protect yourself at gigs and events
Gigs and live music events can be a lot of fun, but as you get older, you’ll probably notice that the music seems louder than it used to. The good news is that you can protect your hearing with ear defenders or ear plugs - they’ll help to save your hearing but will still allow you to enjoy yourself. It also helps to stand further away from the speakers and to give yourself some time for your ears to recover between gigs - something that can be difficult for music fans!Get checked out
If, for some reason, you feel like your hearing isn’t as good as it should be, make sure you go to the doctor and get your hearing checked out. There are different things that could be affecting your hearing, but getting a diagnosis will help to prevent it from getting worse. There have been great advances in assistive listening devices that make it easier to improve your hearing and help you get back on track. Leaving a problem will only make it worse, so the sooner you go get it checked out, the better.Taking precautions to protect your hearing is important. The things you do now to protect your hearing can prevent unnecessary hearing loss, helping you to enjoy your hearing in your later years. Health articles can be a great way to help you take care of your health, giving you advice and inspiration to help live an overall healthier lifestyle. Your health is important, so make sure you take care of it.