Sculpt smoking hot arms and banish bra-strap bulge with these targeted shapers.

From Fitness Magazine
Plank Arm Row and Rotate
What you'll need: a mat
Targets: Shoulders, upper back, chest, triceps, biceps, and abs
- Start on floor in full push-up position, balancing on hands and toes, body forming a straight line from head to heels. Move feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Keeping hips level, lift left hand off floor and bend left elbow behind you to bring hand next to shoulder.
- Return to start.
- Repeat, this time rotating torso to right so that left elbow points up (as shown). Return to start to complete 1 rep.
- Do 2 sets of 10 reps, alternating sides.
Dip Kick
Targets: Shoulders, upper back, and triceps
- Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat. Lean torso back 45 degrees and place palms on floor under shoulders, fingers facing out. Bring left knee to chest and place left foot atop right knee.
- Bend elbows directly behind you and lift hips a few inches.
Pilates Press
Targets: Shoulders, back, chest, triceps, biceps, and abs
- Start in full push-up position, balancing on hands and toes. MAKE IT EASIER: Keep both knees on floor.
- Bend right knee 90 degrees so that toes point up.
- Bend elbows directly behind you, keeping arms close to body, and lowering only a few inches toward floor. Press back up.
- Do 8 to 10 reps. Switch legs and repeat to complete 1 set.
- Do 2 sets.
Strap-Happy Shaper
Targets: Shoulders, upper and middle back, and abs
- Start on floor in plank position, balancing on forearms and toes, elbows directly under shoulders. Clasp hands together.
- Press through toes to move body forward, bending elbows until face is almost touching floor. MAKE IT EASIER: Move only 1 inch forward.
- Press backward with shoulders (not from hips) to return to start position.
- Do 2 sets of 8 to 10 reps.
Down Dog to Up Dog
Targets: Shoulders, back, chest, abs, and butt
- Start in full push-up position, balancing on hands and toes. Lift left foot a few inches off floor.
- Press hips up and back so that body forms an inverted V, lifting left leg behind you toward ceiling.
Routine by trainer Suzanne Bowen, creator of the BarreAmped Fitness Method
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