Roxie Jones, a coach at athletic-based group fitness studio Tone House, shares her go-to moves to get in shape quick.

By Sharon Feiereisen, Reader's Digest
What you need to know
If you need to keep off weight, a Tone House coach will get the job done. Why? The intense fitness class is often singled out as the hardest workout in New York City. With that in mind, Tone House coach Roxie Jones put together an exclusive Tone House-inspired compound movement circuit for us that will fire up the body from head to toe.
“It’ll challenge strength, but also core stability,” says Jones. “Try to get as explosive as possible with these movements to get the heart rate up, which will help keep anyone in shape.”
She recommends performing each movement for one-minute and taking as little rest as possible between each exercise. Repeat the six-move circuit four times.
“It’ll challenge strength, but also core stability,” says Jones. “Try to get as explosive as possible with these movements to get the heart rate up, which will help keep anyone in shape.”
She recommends performing each movement for one-minute and taking as little rest as possible between each exercise. Repeat the six-move circuit four times.
Push-up to pike up
“This move engages the entire body, but it’s an especially great core move because of the pike-up. Keep everything as tight as possible while doing this exercise (suck in that stomach!),” says Jones.
Start in high plank position with your hips tucked under to engage your lower core, glutes, and quads. Descend down to the ground keeping your elbows close to your sides; get your hips and chest as low as possible, then press back up while simultaneously lifting your hips up to bring your feet as close as possible to your hands. Jump your feet back to return to the high plank position. Repeat.
To make this easier, Jones suggests that, after the high plank, you lower your knees to the ground and then let your hips and chest come as close to the ground as possible. When pressing back up, lift your knees and perform the pike up.
Start in high plank position with your hips tucked under to engage your lower core, glutes, and quads. Descend down to the ground keeping your elbows close to your sides; get your hips and chest as low as possible, then press back up while simultaneously lifting your hips up to bring your feet as close as possible to your hands. Jump your feet back to return to the high plank position. Repeat.
To make this easier, Jones suggests that, after the high plank, you lower your knees to the ground and then let your hips and chest come as close to the ground as possible. When pressing back up, lift your knees and perform the pike up.
Pike up to knee tuck
“This move is perfect for engaging your core and to practice keeping your entire body as tight as possible,” says Jones.
Start in high plank position and keep your abs and lower back as tight as possible. Bring your knees into your chest by jumping them in. Once your feet are set, lift your hips up while keeping your legs straight to pike up. Drop back down, jump your feet back to the high plank position, then repeat.
Start in high plank position and keep your abs and lower back as tight as possible. Bring your knees into your chest by jumping them in. Once your feet are set, lift your hips up while keeping your legs straight to pike up. Drop back down, jump your feet back to the high plank position, then repeat.
Superman plank to tricep push-up
“The Superman plank fires up the entire core from upper to lower abdominals and the tricep push-up engages the triceps, making this a great toning move,” says Jones.
Start in high plank position and begin to walk your hands out in front of you as far as possible to get your body close to the ground. Hold for a few seconds. Slowly lower your elbows down to the ground to engage your triceps. Lift back up, walk your hands back to high plank, and repeat.
Start in high plank position and begin to walk your hands out in front of you as far as possible to get your body close to the ground. Hold for a few seconds. Slowly lower your elbows down to the ground to engage your triceps. Lift back up, walk your hands back to high plank, and repeat.
Drop down to knee drive
“This is a variation of a burpee but with a single-leg to challenge stability,” says Jones. “The single-leg knee drive will focus on the quads and glutes.”
Start in a lunge position, left leg forward at a 90-degree angle with the knee behind the toes, and your right leg also at 90 degrees, with the knee almost touching the ground. Press up with your left leg as you drive the right knee forward and then up in front of your chest; add a hop at the top to get some air time while swinging the arms to help increase the height. As you come back down from the knee-drive, continue to keep your right leg off the ground while lowering both hands to the ground for the burpee part. Jump your left foot back as you go into a one-legged high plank, and then lower your chest and hips to the ground. (To modify, keep both feet on the ground and lower to your knees before doing the push up.) When you press back up, bring your right leg forward and keep the left leg back as you return to the lunge. Repeat by driving your left knee up to your chest this time; alternate legs each time.
Start in a lunge position, left leg forward at a 90-degree angle with the knee behind the toes, and your right leg also at 90 degrees, with the knee almost touching the ground. Press up with your left leg as you drive the right knee forward and then up in front of your chest; add a hop at the top to get some air time while swinging the arms to help increase the height. As you come back down from the knee-drive, continue to keep your right leg off the ground while lowering both hands to the ground for the burpee part. Jump your left foot back as you go into a one-legged high plank, and then lower your chest and hips to the ground. (To modify, keep both feet on the ground and lower to your knees before doing the push up.) When you press back up, bring your right leg forward and keep the left leg back as you return to the lunge. Repeat by driving your left knee up to your chest this time; alternate legs each time.
Jones likes this move because it engages the core and lower body, while getting the heart rate up for some cardio (if performed at a fast speed).
From a standing position, sink down to the ground and roll onto your back while planting your arms flat on each side of your body for support. Lift your legs toward the ceiling (feet should be directly above the head) using momentum and your abdominals. Roll your lower back and glutes back down to the ground until your feet land flat, knees bent. Now drive back up off the ground using your legs to add a hop at the top. For a less demanding option, omit the jump at the end. Repeat.
From a standing position, sink down to the ground and roll onto your back while planting your arms flat on each side of your body for support. Lift your legs toward the ceiling (feet should be directly above the head) using momentum and your abdominals. Roll your lower back and glutes back down to the ground until your feet land flat, knees bent. Now drive back up off the ground using your legs to add a hop at the top. For a less demanding option, omit the jump at the end. Repeat.
Alternating pistol squat
“These moves will activate the posterior chain including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes,” says Jones.
From a standing position, hands clasped in front of you, lift your left leg to a 45-degree angle in front of you, knee straight. Lower your body down using the strength from your right leg—don’t let your knee pass your toes. Your left leg will end up extended straight in front of you. Drive back up with your right leg. If this is too demanding, keep the toes of your left leg on the ground and only dip as far as is comfortable. Repeat, alternating legs with each squat.
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From a standing position, hands clasped in front of you, lift your left leg to a 45-degree angle in front of you, knee straight. Lower your body down using the strength from your right leg—don’t let your knee pass your toes. Your left leg will end up extended straight in front of you. Drive back up with your right leg. If this is too demanding, keep the toes of your left leg on the ground and only dip as far as is comfortable. Repeat, alternating legs with each squat.
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