Eyes aren't just the window to your soul — they also offer a glimpse into your health.

can manifest in many ways, one of which is an eye twitch. It's more
annoying than concerning, but it can be a sign you need to get some more
rest and manage your stress levels a bit more, Herz says.
You could have diabetes.

Blurred vision usually means you need glasses — but you should have your eyes checked no matter what. Not only can blurred vision signal a medical problem with the eye itself (like cataracts or macular degeneration), it can also be a sign of a more serious illness like diabetes. In fact, an August 2014 study found that 73% of diabetic patients sampled reported blurred vision. Even without trouble seeing, your ophthalmologist may be able to detect diabetes during an eye exam based on irregularities in your retina.
Your cholesterol is too high.

If you notice a white ring forming around your corneal arcus (that's medical speak for your iris), it might be time to visit your ophthalmologist as well as your GP for a check-up. While this particular color change is most commonly a sign of aging, Herz says it can also be an indication of high cholesterol and triglycerides — which might mean an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
Your blood pressure is too high.

In addition to upping your risk for heart disease and strokes, untreated high blood pressure can also damage the blood vessels in your retina, known as hypertensive retinopathy. You can't see the effects in the mirror, but your doc will be able to spot the damage during your eye exam — even more reason to stick to your annual screenings, considering tipping you off to high blood pressure could actually save your life.
You have allergies.

If your eyes are super dry and the skin around them is looking a little worn, you might be unconsciously rubbing your eyes too often. "Rubbing your eye hard or often can cause your eyelid to become looser, more relaxed and even saggy," Herz warns. "If the eyelid sags away from eye, it not only causes wrinkles, but also allows increased exposure to air and can make the eye become overly dry." One of the most common culprits of itchy eyes: seasonal allergies.