Beth Shapouri, Good Housekeping
1. Your "Skinny" Jeans
up space with things that represent 'one day' or 'what if' keeps you
from living in the present and tethers you to negativity about your
current self," says Devi Brown, self-discovery expert and founder of karmabliss.com. Limit yourself to one or two pieces of "someday clothes," and donate the rest.
2. Screens, Screens, Screens
tablets, phones — home is now where the screens are. While that's great
for keeping us informed and entertained, it could have an unexpected
side effect: dry, irritated eyes, for one. "Any prolonged concentration
[can] contribute to dry eyes because you're blinking less," says
ophthalmologist Inna Ozerov, M.D. Taking breaks to rest your peepers is
important, but Dr. Ozerov says another way to combat discomfort is to
keep something like SYSTANE® ULTRA Lubricant Eye Drops, handy. They reduce friction when blinking, increase moisture, and protect the surface of the eye.
3. Fussy Bedding
30 pillows that need to be perfectly positioned may look nice, but they
could be ruining your rest. "Mess, disorganization, or general
discomfort can all lead to anxiety," says sleep expert Kalle Simpson. Plus, a survey by the National Sleep Foundation
found that people who make their bed every morning sleep better, so why
not make the chore even easier by ditching some bolsters.
4. Unopened Mail
the problem: When you're avoiding bills or paperwork, you are operating
out of a place of fear. And that means every time you pass the mound,
you're subconsciously feeding yourself tablespoons of anxiety. So make
it a rule to go through the envelopes daily.
5. Healthy Food You Don't Actually Like
Maybe you stocked up on quinoa
or jars of kimchi after reading about the health benefits, only to find
out no one will touch the stuff. Don't think twice about donating
unopened boxes — you'll be better off for it. "Clearing out food that
you don't plan on eating allows you to make better meals and snack
choices," says Florida-based psychologist Dr. Lori Ben-Ezra. "Plus,
donating excess food to local pantries promotes positivity."
6. Your Alarm Clock
If your alarm clock tells the time in bright blue lights, toss it. Studies
show that blue light can disrupt your production of melatonin (AKA your
sleep chemical). One fix: Go old-school with a light-free analog clock.
7. Gifted Jewelry or Dresses from Special Events
Stuff you keep only for sentimental reasons might seem harmless, but according to research from Princeton University, that clutter causes anxiety. Instead, take a picture of all that taffeta for posterity and then give the gowns away.
8. Your Yoga Mat and Tennis Racket
remains of abandoned hobbies can remind us of failure. "They represent
something you gave up or something you weren't good at — every time you
see them, there's a feeling of unworthiness," Brown says. So free
yourself and send them off to Goodwill where someone else can pick up a
short lived pastime.
9. Those Work Papers in Your Bedroom
seeing those reminders of unfinished work before bed could keep you
awake. If you have to bring the office home with you, section off a home
workspace so your projects can be out of sight. And limit the amount of
time you're spending on work while at home. You spend enough hours
straining your eyes at the office — by the time you get home (or on the
weekends) you should be giving your tired eyes a break.