By Kristen Domonell, Prevention
and turning for hours as you struggle to fall asleep can make you feel
like a zombie in the morning. But short of popping an Ambien, is there
anything you can do that will really help you fall asleep faster?
[post_ads]"The question alone sort of implies an idea that somehow it's under our control," says W. Chris Winter, MD, author of The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It. "We don't talk that way when we talk about hunger or thirst or other things our body needs to survive."
The main reason sleep can seem so elusive is that we simply give it
too much power. But these tips can help you show sleep who's boss, and
finally get the rest you're after—no sheep required.

Don't try so hard.
Have you ever been laser-focused on something
in your life (like meeting the right partner) only to find that things
seem to line up the minute you stop caring? Sleep is the same way, says
Winter. The more you want it, the longer you'll toss and turn in a
restless state of insomnia. Remind yourself that sleep is a bodily
function just like hunger, says Winter. You can make sure to have a
regular sleep schedule, get lots of exercise, and avoid distractions
that keep you awake, but ultimately, your body is either ready to sleep
or it's not.

Cut the lights.
If you've ever lost power in your house or
apartment, you may have found that you slept way better that night. You
probably got tired as the sun went down and woke up when it came back up
again. Maybe you didn't even need an alarm clock. That's because when
your main source of light is the sun, your body's internal clock syncs
up with its natural light-dark cycles, says Winter. "As the sun goes
down very slowly, it's a natural trigger for melatonin (the hormone that triggers the onset of sleep) secretion, and it's very powerful."
Your melatonin levels should rise a couple hours before it's time for bed and go back down in the morning. But a new study
by researchers at the University of Colorado found that in our
artificial light- and device-filled world, hormone levels tend to fall
after we've already been awake for a while, and don't drop with the sun
as they should. However, you can reset your internal clock. To get the
effect, dim your lights and avoid blue-light emitting electronics
for at least an hour before you get in bed, pull down your shades, and
remove glowing clocks or devices from your bedroom. (Hit the reset
button—and burn fat like crazy with The Body Clock Diet!)

Take a hot bath.
Your body's stress hormone cortisol and your
body temperature will drop as you fall asleep. Likewise, when you get
out of a hot bath or shower, your body starts to cool off quickly, which
mimics your cortisol drop and induces sleepiness, says Winter. Plus,
it's just really relaxing, which likely plays a big role, he says. For
best results, crank up the heat to around 82 degrees and soak a half hour to an hour before the time you want to fall asleep.

Slip on some socks.
Putting on warm, fuzzy socks isn't only super
cozy. Wearing socks to bed will warm up your feet, ultimately causing
the dilation of blood vessels in the skin of your feet, which helps
redistribute heat to the rest of your body and sends a signal to your
brain that it's time to sleep, research finds.

Let your mind wander.
[post_ads]Distracting yourself from thinking about how
badly you wish you were sleeping can be a game-changer for people who
struggle falling asleep, says Winter. Giving your brain something else
to focus on (that won't stress you out) often works wonders. Counting
sheep isn't the only way to go, though, says Winter. Instead, plan out
your dream vacation in your head or fantasize about Ryan Gosling cooking
you dinner in a cabin in the woods. Before you know it, you'll be
waking up to the sound of your alarm.

Just breathe.
Research shows that mindfulness meditation,
which teaches you to focus on your breath and the present moment, can
help fight insomnia by lowering stress levels and keeping you from
ruminating on what might happen. But meditating when you get
into bed probably won't solve your sleep problems instantly.
Just like
you wouldn't try learning to play guitar right before you're supposed to
get on stage to perform, mindfulness is something you need to practice
regularly, so when it's time to fall asleep, your brain will know just
what to do, says Winter. "Your ability to quiet your mind is a skill
that you can practice; it's not genetic."