Professor Dr. Mahmudul Hassan
Many people are attacked by cold a cough at the very starting of winter. Though cold go away soon, cough doesn’t. The problem is the dry cough without any fever, cold or wheeze in chest. This is so disgusting and painful. Though there is no substance with cough, there is still a discomfort in throat and chest. Most of the time there is nothing in various pathological tests. Because mostly the cause of this dry cough is not infections in lung, pneumonia, tuberculosis etc but something else. But whatever the reason is, cold in this winter can increase several times. Sometimes chest get pained by constant cough.
Cough after Virus Attack:
Though cold meet soundness after fever, cough doesn’t want to go away usually or it goes through several weeks. It can happen though there is no asthma, pant or sinusitis. There is no certain treatment for this case. Sometimes it convalesces naturally.
Though cold meet soundness after fever, cough doesn’t want to go away usually or it goes through several weeks. It can happen though there is no asthma, pant or sinusitis. There is no certain treatment for this case. Sometimes it convalesces naturally.
Dry Cough for Asthma:
Is the cough recent or old? Is there any relation with season? If, it can be Asthmatic. Is there anything that increases your cough in work place or at home? Such as dust-covered market, Muggy room without air and light even pet animal like dog, bird or flower’s pollen. Your air condition system also can trouble your health. Or you cannot cope with heat in summer or sweat. Many also get cough in dry weather in winter. Any of these can be the cause of cough. This thought can get strong clearness from the history of family’s asthma or pant. There is one kind of Pant where there is no cold but dry cough. This is called cough variant Asthma. Avoiding dust or cold and using medicine or inhaler is the treatment of this problem.
Is the cough recent or old? Is there any relation with season? If, it can be Asthmatic. Is there anything that increases your cough in work place or at home? Such as dust-covered market, Muggy room without air and light even pet animal like dog, bird or flower’s pollen. Your air condition system also can trouble your health. Or you cannot cope with heat in summer or sweat. Many also get cough in dry weather in winter. Any of these can be the cause of cough. This thought can get strong clearness from the history of family’s asthma or pant. There is one kind of Pant where there is no cold but dry cough. This is called cough variant Asthma. Avoiding dust or cold and using medicine or inhaler is the treatment of this problem.
Cough for Nasal and Cyanosis Diseases:
Inflammation in nose and coenocytes increase the threat of Post Nasal Drip. As a result long lasting cough can attack. Though there is snivel emitting from nose or block in nose, this is the found as the main symptom. Another reason of this disease is allergic Rhinitis.
Inflammation in nose and coenocytes increase the threat of Post Nasal Drip. As a result long lasting cough can attack. Though there is snivel emitting from nose or block in nose, this is the found as the main symptom. Another reason of this disease is allergic Rhinitis.
Dry Cough from Smoking:
Another notable reason of dry cough is smoking. So, say no to avoid dry cough. Medicine will not work if you do not leave smoking. The smokers get Smoker Cough. Nicotine hinders breathing membrane that’s why cough grows. In winter this gets intensity.
Another notable reason of dry cough is smoking. So, say no to avoid dry cough. Medicine will not work if you do not leave smoking. The smokers get Smoker Cough. Nicotine hinders breathing membrane that’s why cough grows. In winter this gets intensity.
Other Reasons of Cough:
Sometimes cough can be also for gastric. The Acid uprising from stomach can also be the cause. They can get cough who are always with cold because there irritation behind their nose. Also some medicines can be the cause. Even for heart disease cough can attack sometimes.
Sometimes cough can be also for gastric. The Acid uprising from stomach can also be the cause. They can get cough who are always with cold because there irritation behind their nose. Also some medicines can be the cause. Even for heart disease cough can attack sometimes.
What is to Do in Nasal Block in Winter:
No problem. Take a big pot, pour hot and boiled water and mix menthol with it. Then take the vapor bending your nose for some minutes. Do this for a several times in a day.
No problem. Take a big pot, pour hot and boiled water and mix menthol with it. Then take the vapor bending your nose for some minutes. Do this for a several times in a day.
What to Do:
Little cold, cough or pain in tonsil are not serious matter. But if once, it will take around one week to go. And cough can take more time than that. There is nothing to worry. This kind of cold and cough get remedy naturally in a time. But if there is fever with cough, you must take it seriously. It is better to meet a doctor in this case. In he case of long cough, at first it is to find the inner reason of this cough. Cough increases with cold. So avoid cold. Take sufficient warm cloth at outside of home. Don’t forget to use cap of muffler. Avoid dust and use mask if you are outside of home. You can also bath in cold-warm water. Avoid taking bath in early morning and late afternoon. Don’t eat cold food from refrigerator. It is better to drink cold-warm water.
Little cold, cough or pain in tonsil are not serious matter. But if once, it will take around one week to go. And cough can take more time than that. There is nothing to worry. This kind of cold and cough get remedy naturally in a time. But if there is fever with cough, you must take it seriously. It is better to meet a doctor in this case. In he case of long cough, at first it is to find the inner reason of this cough. Cough increases with cold. So avoid cold. Take sufficient warm cloth at outside of home. Don’t forget to use cap of muffler. Avoid dust and use mask if you are outside of home. You can also bath in cold-warm water. Avoid taking bath in early morning and late afternoon. Don’t eat cold food from refrigerator. It is better to drink cold-warm water.
It is important to identify the actual reason of cough. So, be serious even in dry cough. Finally, meet specialist if the cough lasts long, disturb to sleep or lose sense suddenly at the time of cough.
Professor Dr. Mahmudul Hassan:
Professor and Director, National Nose, Ear and Throat Institute and Hospital, Tejgoan, Dhaka.
Professor and Director, National Nose, Ear and Throat Institute and Hospital, Tejgoan, Dhaka.
Courtesy: The Daily Most