Dr. Fahmida Tuli
Dept. of Gynecology and Obs. Dhaka Medical College and Hospital.
Someone has married recently and wants to have a little late to give birth. And someone has a child and wants a little break. Or someone has already two children and wants a permanent way to stop giving birth. On the other hand, someone wants post delivery break and someone post abortion break.
There are various system to control birth. But system varies from couple to couple. Especial importance, canceling, mandatory management and perfect family plan are needed. Same system is not applicable for all. Know details:
- Giving importance on physical change, conceive, sexual infection etc new couples are suggested to have the system of ‘implant’ which can be for three or five years. Besides, tablet, condom etc are available and felicitated.
- Women of thirty five plus have especial demand for family plan. Most of them have at least two children and want no more. Many also think that they do not need any plan to use. Or become tensed about the side effects of using tablet or any other system to control birth in this age. Actually every system is safe for a well and middle aged woman. But the comparatively the old women who have heart disease or high blood pressure , do not need to use any pill or injection. Copper-T and Permanent System are best for them.
- Extra awareness should be taken to use Ligation for young women and Vasectomy for men.
- Who have one child and want a break three month durational Hormonal Injection, three years durational Implant. Five years durational JL or oral tablet mostly acknowledge and available. Non Copper-T also can be better after one child.
So, chose one of your own according to your condition. If necessary, take doctor’s or health service provider’s suggestion.
Courtesy: The Daily Most