Want To Be Happy? Try These 5 Simple Things

Ever do something and almost instantly forget about it once it was over? If so you are not alone. This happens to most people more than they realize it. This is because our minds can wander at any given moment. And while a wandering mind isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can be in some cases.

According to research, when your mind is wandering, you are either thinking neutral thoughts or negative ones. So even when you aren’t actually thinking, your brain is and it leans toward negative thoughts.

That’s why it is so important you learn to watch what you are thinking. You have to literally force yourself to think positive. One way to do this is to keep a mental, and even written down, tally of all the things you have to be grateful for. Here are 5 things you can do to be happy.

1 –
Express Gratitude

We all have something to be grateful for. When you take the time to count your blessings you are practicing positivity. Before you get out of bed every morning, stop and think of five things you have to be grateful for. It can be something as simple as being able to open your eyes. Do this when you wake up, right before bed, when you are sitting alone at your desk and anytime during the day when you need a happiness boost.

2 –
Wish Others Well

This is basically the same process we just did in step 1. The only difference is this time around its all about someone else. When you make a conscious effort to wish others well throughout the day, you are making it virtually impossible for your mind to wander. Truth be told, every person you encounter during the day is struggling with something. Send positive thoughts their way and wish them well.

Let me give you an example of how simple this is to do. Let’s say you are walking down the street and you overhear a complete stranger talking about a test they must pass in order to be promoted on their job. In your mind I want you to say, “he can do it”. He will pass the test.” That’s all it takes to wish others well.

3 –
Be Kind To Others

Showing kindness is a great way to send good vibrations all through your body. The smallest act of kindness can go a long ways. For example, holding the door for the person behind you can greatly improve not only your mood, but the other persons mood as well. When you look at the big picture, little things are actually big things.

When you are kind to others it directly impacts your own personal self esteem. It makes you feel better about YOU. So go ahead, start practicing small acts of kindness every single day. It can, and will, make a world of difference.

4 –
Surround Yourself With Friends & Family

We now live in a world that is technology driven. Everything we do is based around some sort of technology. Because of this many of our relationships have suffered. That’s why it is so important you make a conscious effort to surround yourself with friends and family.

Make it a priority to cultivate those relationships. Yes it will take some work. But trust me, it will be well worth it in the long run. While I am a fan of technology and believe it is absolutely wonderful, don’t let it interfere with the most important people in your life.

5 –
Get Off The Couch & Head Outside

If you are feeling a little down, take 5 minutes to step outside and enjoy nature. Nature is an all natural mood enhancer. As a matter of fact, research has shown a connection between happiness and location. While all of nature can enhance your mood, being by the sea has been proven to have the biggest impact on ones happiness.


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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: Want To Be Happy? Try These 5 Simple Things
Want To Be Happy? Try These 5 Simple Things
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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