Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey & Green Tea for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar, honey and green tea aren't going to bring about a large amount of weight loss, but there is some preliminary evidence that at least honey and green tea may be helpful for slightly improving your weight-loss results. Check with your doctor before greatly increasing your consumption of any of these ingredients to make sure it would be safe for you.

Green Tea Weight Loss

Of these three foods, there is the most evidence for the effects of green tea on weight loss. For example, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2010 found that drinking green tea for eight weeks helped decrease body mass index and weight compared to drinking water. The amount of extra weight lost during this time was relatively small, about 5.5 pounds, and the amount of tea the participants drank was more than many people in the United States typically drink in a day, so green tea isn't a weight-loss miracle food.

Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss

There isn't sufficient evidence to recommend apple cider vinegar for weight loss, according to a review article published in American Family Physician in November 2004. It may help lower your blood sugar levels after meals, however, according to a review article published in Medscape General Medicine in 2006. You definitely shouldn't drink apple cider vinegar without mixing it with a less acidic substance, such as water or green tea. Straight apple cider vinegar can cause damage to your teeth and esophagus.

Honey Weight Loss

Adding honey to a mix of green tea and apple cider vinegar would definitely make such a beverage more palatable. Consuming honey may also increase weight loss, according to a study published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition in November 2009. People who consumed honey for eight weeks lost more weight and had improvements in their cholesterol levels compared to people who didn't eat honey. The honey caused increases in their fasting blood sugar levels, however, so it may not be a good idea for diabetics.

Another study, published in Nutrition Research in January 2011, didn't find the same beneficial effects on cholesterol levels but did find that consuming honey instead of sugar led to less of an increase in weight, at least in animals. Further research is necessary to determine if honey has this same effect in people.

Other Considerations

Diets that recommend a mix of green tea, apple cider vinegar and honey for weight loss are likely to be fad diets. These diets tend to overly restrict which foods you can eat, which can mean you don't get enough nutrients. Weight loss from fad diets isn't likely to last once you return to your normal diet. You're better off following a balanced, reduced-calorie diet that includes a mix of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and protein-rich foods and increasing the amount of exercise you do.

Honey isn't calorie-free, so if you add large amounts of it to your food, you're more likely to gain weight than lose it. You'll get the best results if you use it in place of sugar in your diet and enjoy it only in moderation.

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey & Green Tea for Weight Loss
Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey & Green Tea for Weight Loss
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