These are some of the consequences from biting nails:
Teeth damaging
Because of this habit, teeth work “overtime” and your bite suffers. Namely, during the biting, the teeth are not in their proper position and they weaken which results in a distortion of the bite.
Overall health
It is known that our hands are full of bacteria, and we often times forget to wash our hands regularly. By biting your nails, you put the bacteria in your mouth and in your digestive tract, which can cause various infections. A greater danger is when girls and women bite their polished nails since the nail polishes contain numerous chemicals which endanger the health of the inner organs.
Damaged cuticles
The unpleasant nail biting additionally worsens the situation since in this way you transfer bacteria and microorganisms through the little abrasions created by your teeth. Moreover, this leads to inflammations, painful skin redness and pus.
Warts usually appear on the hands. The most common cases are the warts caused by the HPV. Moreover, Molluscum Contagiosum is a frequent case in children and adolescents. Since all viral warts are easily transmittable, they can easily spread onto the face and mouth by biting the nails.
Additional costs
Due to all of the abovementioned problems, sooner or later, you will be forced to spend money on dentists, dermatologists and different products for easing the consequences. Therefore, do your best and try to put an end to this bad habit.