Spine Lengthening:
Be seated in a comfortable position; try placing a mat on the floor and sit cross legged. Your back should be straight and yours shoulders should be relaxed. You need to smile while you practice this yoga pose. In case you would like to practice this pose in standing position, keep your feet parallel
- While breathing in slowly raise your arms from both the sides
- Interlink your fingers together, with your thumbs touching each other gently. Now bring your arms from the front to the top. Stretch them up as much as you can. Do not strain your muscles
- Make sure that your elbows are straight and that your biceps touch your ears. Hold onto to this position for twenty seconds. To experience a deeper back stretch you can pull your tummy in, close to the spine
Spine Stretch:
Enter into this position after the spine lengthening stretch
- Continue with interlinked fingers. Your arms should be stretched straight on top of your head
- Slowly breathe out and twist your body to the right side gently. This will lay pressure on the hips as well
- Remain in this position for four to five long breathes
- Inhale while coming back to the centre position
- Exhale as you move to the left side, hold this position for to five long breathes and inhale while returning to the centre position. To experience a deeper stretch, tuck your tummy in as much as possible
Forward and Backward Spine Stretch:
- Interlinking your fingers, breathe out and stretch your hands to the front; exhale while you turn to the right
- Make sure both your hands are parallel to each other and that they are stretched equally
- Inhale while you return to the centre. Exhale while turning to the right. Come back to the centre as you inhale
- Unlock the fingers and relax. Place your hands on the ground and push your chest up
Spine Twist:
This pose offers a soothing massage to the lower back.
- Place your left hand on your right knee
- Take a deep breath and slowly twist your body to your right side. You can also place your right hand on the floor near your right hip
- Slowly stretch upward by pressing your hand against the floor. Keep your back as straight as possible
- Inhale and come back to your centre position. Repeat the same stretch on the left side. Suck your tummy in for a deeper stretch
Fists Forward Bend:
- Stand straight, with your feet hip-width apart
- Bend your knees slightly and bend yourself over your legs. Bend as much as you can until your tummy touches your thighs
- Make your hands into fists and place them on the opposite creases of the elbow. Relax all your body muscles and hold your fists tight
- Take ten deep breaths in this position. You will release more tension from the back with every breath
Downward Dog:
This is a great pose that aids in spinal traction and lower back health.
- Lie down on the floor facing the ground and place your hands in front of you
- Flatten your palms on the floor
- Now, lift your hips off the ground by balancing yourself on your feet and hands. Lift your hips as much as you can, till you feel a soothing stretch in your back
- Take five to ten breathes in this position
Wall Plank:
- To begin, you need to stand in front of the wall. Reach the wall with your hands and straighten them
- Flatten your palms on the wall
- Bend forward with your head facing downward
- Lengthen your spine by stretching back as much as possible. You will come into an L shape. You may feel pain near the lower back, if you do bend your knees
- Try to maintain the spinal stretch for at least two minutes. Breathe deeply as you stretch your back
Pigeon Pose:
- Begin by lying on the ground and place your hands in front of you
- Lift your torso of the ground, bring your right knee behind your right wrist
- Stretch your left leg out behind you. Your knee should face the floor
- Press your palms against the floor
- Stretch your legs backward while you curve your back and lift it up
- Pull your abdominal muscles to your spine and maintain this pose for five to ten deep breaths
Child’s Pose:
- Start by sitting on your heels
- Place your head on the ground in front of you. Your hands should be behind your back
- Breathe in slowly for two minutes. You can intensify the stretch by pulling your abdominal muscles towards your spine
Back Stretch:
- Begin by sitting down on your heels and hold your hands in front of you
- Stretch your hands out and straighten your back. Inhale and exhale slowly for three minutes
- Pull both your hands to the front by stretching your back to the front. Do not strain your muscles in the back. Your back muscles will feel relaxed stress free
Follow these poses for about ten to twenty minutes daily, taking a small break between each pose. Adopt the right sitting and standing posture while working or otherwise. Remember not to overdo your ab workouts, as this can result in lower back pain. It is important to note that breathing is key in Yoga poses; inhale and exhale slowly and deeply for best results.