Being healthy is something almost all of us want to be, but who has the willpower? And even if you do have good willpower, exactly what does it take to be healthy? Well, if you have a good start, achieving this goal might be easier. Stick with being healthy for 14 days (2 weeks) and you might just find it easier to continue!
Stick to it. It's easy! If it says, for example, "eat 4+ portions of fruits and vegetables a day", try to eat at least 2 portions of fruit and 2 portions of vegetables.

Eat fruit. Don't like eating fruit? Make a smoothie. Squeeze an orange and drink fresh juice. Make a fruit salad with a little bit of whipped cream on top.

Eat vegetables. Don't like eating vegetables? Drink tomato juice. Munch on raw carrots. Make a fun, colorful salad, and give it a catchy name!

Exercise! If you don't like exercise (bad hair, sweating, etc.), walk around your block while listening to your iPod. Make a playlist that has about 20 songs (each song lasting about three minutes) and walk for an hour. Try to do this every day for best results. You'll soon start to like it!

Drink water instead of soft drinks or carbonated beverages. You might like to drink fizzy drinks but they're not good for your health. Drink water instead. Aim for 2 litres (about 8 cups) a day!

Look up tips on the internet and just stay informed! You'll begin to get healthier quickly.

Source : wiki How