With all the available options in supermarkets and restaurants alike, it's really hard to commit to healthy eating. Other foods might even seem healthy, but they are just junk food in disguise.
Processed Meats
The truth is these processed meats are full of fillers than actual meat. Deli meat and cold cuts are jam packed with both sodium and preservatives. Even worse, they have been found to be high in nitrates linked to stomach cancer.
Margarine is full of trans-fat compared to natural butter or oil. It is definitely the worst of all fats, even eclipsing saturated fat.
Sugary Cereals
Lots of cereals are full of sugar and artificial flavors that are unfortunately low in nutritional value. It's easy to lose track of how much sugar you're consuming with more than five servings adding up to days' worth of recommended amount of sugar.
Donuts are fried, sugar laden, and made with refined grains, and each one of those is bad for you. It is also packed with trans-fat and sometimes even carcinogenic additives like titanium dioxide.
Microwave Popcorn
It might be fast and convenient, but it's full of hidden ingredients. Besides trans-fat, some microwave popcorn brands contain diacetyla chemical that can cause lung disease when inhaledfor that rich butter flavor.
Blended Coffee Drinks
Although plain coffee can be good for you, a blended coffee drink is mostly sugar, syrup, artificial flavor, and dairy fat, not coffee. The amount of calories in just one of these drinks is enough to fill almost your entire daily recommended value.
One bagel contains 400 empty calories of refined grains and carbohydrates. But almost no one eats bagels aloneit is cut in half and topped with butter, cream cheese, bacon, eggs, and even processed meats, spiking up the calories even further.
Soda is high in calories, sugar, and fructose corn syrup. All these ingredients lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Some studies have even reported that drinking soda ages you just as much as smoking.
Soy Sauce
Though soy sauce contains riboflavin and vitamin B6, its extremely high sodium content at 900 milligrams outweighs its benefits. Even the low sodium version has 600 milligrams of sodium, enough to put you at risk for hypertension.
Canned Tomatoes
Store-bought tomato sauce and canned tomatoes have lots of sugar, plus preservatives to extend shelf life. But worse than the hidden additives are the resin linings used in tin cans that have bisphenol-A or BPA in them, which are linked to reproductive problems, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Fast Food Burgers
Over 90 percent of the burger came from fillers and other non-meat products, with meat content only ranging from 2 to 15 percent. These non-meat products found in burgers include water, connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, fat, cartilagestuff that no one wants to enter into their bodies.
Source : Answers
Processed Meats


Sugary Cereals


Microwave Popcorn

Blended Coffee Drinks



Soy Sauce

Canned Tomatoes
Fast Food Burgers

Source : Answers