11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

11 Reasons You’re Not Hitting Your Weight-Loss Goals
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Losing weight is no easy feat, but it’s even harder if you don’t know what you're doing wrong in your failed attempts to get lean. Click through the slide show above to learn more.


You're Not Doing Intervals


Long breaks between sets or steady-state cardio don’t do your body any favors when you're trying to lean out. Instead, use intervals—periods of intense training (high reps or maximum effort) with short periods of rest in between—to increase your routine's fat-burning potential. “You can get in a 30-minute workout, but an intense one that’s just as good as an hour of a slow one,” says Jim White, R.D., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “It will burn up more calories, break the monotony, and will get the metabolism going.”


You're Downing Sports Drinks


A seemingly healthy and electrolyte-filled 20-ounce sports beverage can often pack in around 34 grams of sugar. Ask yourself if the elixir's really needed to sustain your workout. If it’s not, it'll just add empty calories, which is counterproductive to creating the calorie deficit you need for weight loss. For workouts lasting longer than an hour, use sports drinks in moderation. When your workout clocks in at under 60 minutes, stick to good ol' H2O.


You're Loading Up on Protein Bars


Some seemingly physique-friendly protein bars can pack close to 500 calories and 18 grams of fat—that's one heck of a post-workout snack. Instead of grabbing a bar, fuel your body with whole-food post-workout snacks that deliver both muscle-building protein and energy-replenishing carbs.


You Snack on Junk After Dinner


It’s not nighttime eating that packs on pounds; it’s what you consume after dark that’s the real issue. For a lot of people, this tends to be crackers, chips, cookies, etc. White recommends subbing carb-laden snacks for cottage cheese, almonds, or celery with peanut butter when post-dinner hunger strikes.


You Skimp on Sleep

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Solid sleep is the gateway to great health and especially weight loss. Studies have shown that lack of sleep encourages mindless eating throughout the day and it can also lead to poor workouts, making it a double-edge sword. If you're fatigued during the day, you most likely won’t be able to power through a workout intense enough to burn a significant number of calories. Shoot for 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep a night to help enhance weight loss, says White.


You're Not Eating Often Enough

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Skipping meals and snacks may seem like a surefire way to drop weight, but it almost always ends up backfiring. It can increase cravings and harm your metabolism, so it’s best to fuel up often. White suggests eating three hours after big meals and two hours after snacks. Of course, if you're working out, it’s important to refuel within 30 minutes of exercise.


You're Not Planning Ahead

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When it comes to eating and exercise, don't wing it. A plan will guide you in the right direction when other parts of your life—work, school—get out-of-control busy. “Plan out your meals for the week, schedule your workouts, and cook food on Sunday to eat throughout the week,” advises White.


You Let Stress Build Up

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Stress eating is a surefire way to sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Instead, try meditation, yoga or, of course, hitting the gym. “If you're under stress and don’t feel like you have enough time in the day, you should exercise because it will clear your mind and enable you to prioritize more easily," says Matthew Kornblatt, a N.A.S.M.-certified personal trainer and owner of RightFit Nation.


You Forget to Refill on H2O


Focus on drinking a lot of water throughout the day. “Not only does it hydrate your body, but it also speeds up your metabolism and suppresses your hunger,” says Kornblatt. When you feel hunger pangs, try drinking a glass of water to tone down cravings. If you're still hungry, reach for a healthy snack. You'll still be less likely to overeat after drinking some water.


You Forget to Refill on H2O


Focus on drinking a lot of water throughout the day. “Not only does it hydrate your body, but it also speeds up your metabolism and suppresses your hunger,” says Kornblatt. When you feel hunger pangs, try drinking a glass of water to tone down cravings. If you're still hungry, reach for a healthy snack. You'll still be less likely to overeat after drinking some water.


You Don't Refuel the Right Way 


People often over-fuel for a day’s workout. “For instance, they are going out for a 30-minute jog, but eat a nutrition bar before they leave and follow the workout with a recovery drink,” says Sally Berry, R.D., C.S.S.D., owner of Bodyfuel, Inc. “This is way more than is needed.” Other times, the post-workout eating is insufficient. If the workout is two to three hours long and the post-workout snack or meal is skipped, then overeating later on in the day is more likely.

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: 11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight
11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight
Losing weight is no easy feat, but it’s even harder if you don’t know what you're doing wrong in your failed attempts to get lean.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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