You have discovered that your current fitness regime isn’t entirely cutting it and you’ve made the important decision to find yourself a personal trainer, a personal trainer that will get you from where you are now to your desired goal. Push you to your limits and guide you every step of the way with their professional knowledge. But where do you start? How do you find this person and do they even exist? Well, here are some top tips on how exactly you find ‘the one’ for you, that personal trainer that you’ll love to hate and be grateful for when you’re feeling amazing at the end of your session with them.
This also extends to social media; you will be able to see how they interact with their clients, and others in the community, and also see what feedback they are receiving about their services too!
Whichever route you take research is essential, go with your gut instinct and above all make sure the person you choose suits your personality, this person is going to see you at your lowest and highest points and will need to have your best interests at heart. Find someone that will be with you every step of the way and make sure you are getting the most out of every session with them.

This is a big one when looking for a personal trainer; it’s worth listening to the opinion of a personal trainers existing clients because they are the ones spending time with this person week in, week out. If you have recently seen any friends or family that are looking particularly fit and healthy, with the help of a personal trainer, then get in touch with them and find out who they have hired. If they are happy with the service, they will be very keen to put you in touch. Also, it’s 2019, so put a post on Facebook asking for recommendations and reviews from people that already use this great resource too. You’re much more likely to take a step in the right direction with this method.Online
A real professional personal trainer will tend to put resources into having an online presence, and making sure information about them is up to date and easy to find. Many people are nervous about the process to start with, so those personal trainers that have spent time creating a personal training website (with plenty of information and reviews) will likely be a great place to start your search. You know they care enough to show people what they are all about.This also extends to social media; you will be able to see how they interact with their clients, and others in the community, and also see what feedback they are receiving about their services too!
The Local Gym
Your local gym will have a list of personal trainers that will either work in the gym regularly or will at least know who to recommend, based on feedback from the customers who use the gym. Most personal trainers use corporate and independent gyms to train their clients, so it’s a great place to start your research. You’re taking a big step in the right direction, and you want to make sure your time and money is going to the right person. Also since you’re in the gym anyway, you can find out a bit more about the gym if you aren’t already a member too.
Health Food Shops
If you’re lucky enough to have a shop near you that specialises in healthy food and supplements, then you’re close a goldmine of information. Not only from a nutritional point of view, but also because personal trainers will almost certainly make up a portion of their customer base, you will be able to walk in, pick up advice and samples of food that will help with your fitness goals AND find out about the best personal trainers in your area. You really can’t go wrong with that combination as we all know that nutrition is incredibly important to your health and fitness as well.Physiotherapists
Personal training and physiotherapy quite often go hand in hand, not always because of weaknesses or injury, but mostly as a preventative measure. So if you’re serious about your training, then you’ll come across a physio at some point, even if it’s just for a sports massage after a tough week. So when it comes to finding a personal trainer physios will know exactly who to recommend to you, they will know if the training they are offering is safe and effective first hand as well, which will give you peace of mind that you’re getting some sound advice.Whichever route you take research is essential, go with your gut instinct and above all make sure the person you choose suits your personality, this person is going to see you at your lowest and highest points and will need to have your best interests at heart. Find someone that will be with you every step of the way and make sure you are getting the most out of every session with them.