Turn The Volume Up On Your Hearing Health

Turn The Volume Up On Your Hearing Health

We’re all ageing, and that is a fact of life, and at some point, you’ll start wearing anti-ageing cream and taking better care of your health to try and slow down the signs of ageing and prevent your body from packing up on you. One thing that often gets overlooked though and take for granted is your ears and your hearing; however it is very common that as we age, our hearing capacity tends to decline. Many people go through life thinking very little about their hearing because it just works as it should do, and requires no further thought. However, the prospect of natural decline and potential hearing loss is undoubtedly a concerning one, but there are some ways in which you can prevent it and look after your hearing health.

The preservation of your hearing is, for the most part predominantly achieved through good behaviour and looking after your ears, for example avoiding excessively loud noise, using earplugs when you attend concerts and using headphones instead of earbuds. Additional to this, many natural therapies may be useful for preventing hearing loss too. However, it is imperative to note that hearing loss cannot ever be entirely avoided.

The ear is made up of three parts: the outer, middle, and inner ear and all of these three parts of the ear are important for detecting sound. They work together to move sound from the outer part through the middle and into the inner part of the ear.  Ears also help to maintain balance.

According to studies, Acetyl-L-Carnitine which is an amino acid helps to prevent damage to the hair cells (also known as silica) in the cochlea, which is the middle ear. This can help to reduce the chances of suffering from hearing loss which generally occurs when those silica/hair cells get damaged or die. You will find Acetyl-L-Carnitine predominantly in meat and dairy products, though if you prefer to take supplements, you can check with your pharmacist that the supplement is right for you, especially if you are currently taking other prescribed medication.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 has a vital role to play in maintaining optimal nerve health. This is particularly important if you are looking to protect the health of your ears for the future. If you have any symptoms of B12 deficiency, then it is well worth undergoing a blood test to check your levels. If a defect is found, supplements are available over the counter, or injectables may be prescribed.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Most people know the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids when it comes to our heart health, but did you know that your hearing can also benefit if you make sure you have a good intake of these essential nutrients. Omega-3 supplements are an option, but a diet rich in oily fish such as salmon, nuts, and vegetables (like Brussels sprouts) should be more than sufficient for most people.


Melatonin is a hormone which is most often related to the regulation of a healthy sleeping pattern. However, studies have shown that it may also have a role to play in protecting against age-related hearing loss. Supplementing melatonin could be the right for you if you feel you need that extra boost, and there are plenty of over-the-counter options available. Of course, you should always check for with your doctor if you are taking prescribed medication or any other supplements.

Age-related hearing loss cannot be entirely prevented, but by considering the options above, you have a better chance of being able to preserve good hearing health for as long as possible.

For many people, the last time they had their hearing checked was in primary school, but according to healthcare professionals, we should get a “baseline” hearing test early in our adulthood aged 18 to 21 which will also measure your ability to understand speech, both at soft levels and when the volume is comfortable. Also, the audiologist will evaluate the overall health of the ear via a visual exam.

While many people think that old age and grumpiness come hand in hand, actually the loss of hearing can lead to negative attitudes, anger, and irritability, stress, fatigue and tension, depression, loneliness, desire to avoid social scenes, unsafe situations due to decreased alertness, lower job performance and trouble remembering things or following directions. So, keep your eyes on your ears and watch out for signs of hearing loss so you can make the most of your quality of life.

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: Turn The Volume Up On Your Hearing Health
Turn The Volume Up On Your Hearing Health
The prospect of natural decline and potential hearing loss is undoubtedly a concerning one, but there are some ways in which you can prevent it and look after your hearing health.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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