How to Combine Training and College Study

From Fitness Republic

Student-athletes have a lot on their plates. So much so that it can be difficult to balance it all. Doing so takes a careful approach but there are a lot of tips that can be used to make life a little bit easier. Here, we are going to take a look at some of the most helpful suggestions that student-athletes can take to combine their fitness training and studies.

Be Proactive and  Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

When an assignment is given, it’s best to take the time to handle it right away. Putting off tasks until the night before they are due is only going to cause more stress. Instead, tackle it early. We’ll take a closer look at organizing time in a moment.

In addition, don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Tutoring services and writing centers can be incredibly helpful. For instance, an online writing service can be useful if you are struggling with writing a reflective essay. Of course, first of all, try to do everything yourself. But if you feel that you are not strong in academic writing, be pragmatic, ask for help. And use the saved time for a deeper study of the subject.

Communicate with Professors

The school pride in many universities runs deep. With this comes a willingness to help out student-athletes. On top of that, professors are usually happy to help pupils that are trying hard in the class.

Due to these reasons, athletes should communicate conflicts with their professors as soon as possible. This means that if game days schedule with classes or you need an extension on a paper, tell them as soon as possible. If you wait until the last minute, though, they are much less likely to be understanding. Stepping up early shows a sense of responsibility.

To-Do Lists and Schedules

It was mentioned earlier that waiting until the last minute to do something is a catalyst for stress. One way to avoid that is to create a schedule. There are certain tips you’ll want to use to make that schedule effective.

First, start with locked in time slots such as classes and training sessions. Then, move onto important tasks that can be performed at any time of the day like studying. With the time left over, you can schedule downtime.

It’s crucial to remember that at the same time table won’t always work. The plan for the first day of the semester probably won’t work during finals week. This plan can be revised to fit the best course of action for the current time period.

Work On a Backup Plan

No one wants to hear that their dreams might not work out. Unfortunately, for many, this is the case. For example, the NCAA’s recruiting facts state that only 2% of amateurs go pro. This is due to high selectivity and problems like injuries.

This doesn’t mean you should give up as an athlete. Instead, it just means that you should make the most out of your college experience making a backup plan. Dedicating just as much energy to studying as athletics is the best way to ensure that you have a plan B.

Help Out Other Athletes

There are plenty of reasons to make friends with your teammates. It facilitates better performance for one. It can also help to create a support system.

Life as a college athlete can be hard at times. When you go to friends for advice, you might feel slightly misunderstood by other students. With other individuals in the same situation, there’s an understanding that doesn’t need explanation. Having a little support can go a long way


Training and studying seem to be all an aspiring professional athlete does. This can be incredibly taxing but it eventually pays off. With these principles, the daily grind can seem a little bit lighter.

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: How to Combine Training and College Study
How to Combine Training and College Study
Here, we are going to take a look at some of the most helpful suggestions that student-athletes can take to combine their fitness training and studies.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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