At this time of year, many of us are thinking about ways to change our lifestyle. You might have made resolutions to try new hobbies, meet new people and improve your health and fitness. Even if you don’t make resolutions as such, you might be keen to find some ways to burn off some of those extra Christmas pounds while passing some of these long winter evenings.
Martial arts training can be the ideal solution, yet it’s something that few of us consider taking up as an adult. If you practiced a martial art as a child, you might have kept it up into adulthood. But for many of us, the idea of martial arts training is probably one that you’ve never even considered. Well, you should. Here’s a look at just some of the reasons to take up martial arts in 2019.

To Burn Calories
Martial arts like judo and karate can be fantastic exercise. Training sessions and classes tend to include a warm-up, some strength training and plenty of calories burning cardio exercise. The exact amount depends on your own body and the intensity of the training, but as a rough guide, 30 minutes of martial arts training burns between 360 and 955 calories. Far more than sitting on the sofa.It’ll Increase Your Strength
All exercise increases your strength, but some do it more than others. Karate and other martial arts aren’t just cardio workouts. They offer you plenty of strength training too. You’ll improve your core muscles, including your abs and back as you practice strict poses and positions. Your limbs will grow stronger as you use them in a controlled manner, and your posture will improve massively.It Gives Your Brain a Boost
Martial arts is as much about your brain as your body. It’s not just pounding the pavement to a rhythm or swimming up and down a pool. It’s about strategy and thought. You don’t just throw your arms and legs about. There’s a skill involved. From learning how to tie a karate belt to battling an opponent, you’ll always be thinking a few moves ahead.You’ll Meet New People
You might have imagined that a martial arts class would be filled with teenage boys and young men. But, you’d be wrong — many different people, from all walks of life practice. The atmosphere is in no way violent or aggressive. In fact, it tends to be calming and relaxed. Martial arts is a fantastic way to meet new friends, get to know new people and improve your social life.You’ll Stay Safe
Practicing a form of martial arts won’t make you a fighter. In fact, it will give you the control not to be. But, it will mean that you always feel safe and like you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Even if you never need to, this can be a brilliant confidence boost.It’s Great Stress Relief