The Only 10-Minute Indoor Workout You'll Need This Winter

Whether you’re just starting to exercise up or you already have a routine, this suspension-training workout is a fun way to stay fit through the winter months.

By Lauren Cahn, Reader's Digest

The workout

This seven-move workout comes courtesy of personal trainer Lauren Chiarello, the founder of Chi Chi Life. Her winter workout requires suspension trainers—a tool you can use at home or find at your gym. Chiarello is featured using the original TRX Suspension Trainer. Learn more about Chiarello’s inspiring personal story.

Getting started

Find a door with a sturdy jamb, toss your straps over the door at equal lengths (start with the shortest length), and close the door securely. Here’s an overview of what you’re about to do:
  • Exercise 1, 2, and 3 – Upper body
  • Exercise 4 and 5 – Lower body
  • Exercise 6 and 7 – Core and overall toning
All of these exercises work your core, says Chiarello, and you can get more from each move by keeping your core engaged. So imagine knitting your ribs together and squeezing your waist and back tight. Take about one minute for each exercise.

Exercise 1: Bicep Curl

Strap length: About waist high

Starting position: Face the anchor point (your door), grab the straps with your palms facing up, and lean back until your arms are straight and the straps are taut—about a 45-degree angle to the floor. (Note that you can make the move less demanding by not leaning back as far.)

Action: Flex your biceps and bend your arms at the elbow as you bring your palms toward your shoulders. Pause, then slowly straighten your arms back to the starting position; do 12 reps.

Exercise 2: Tricep Press

Strap length: About waist high

Starting position: Face away from the anchor point, grab the straps with your palms facing the ground, your arms straight and parallel with the floor, and your feet near the door.

Action: Slowly bend your elbows as you lower your body toward the ground and your knuckles near your head. Then slowly return to starting position; do 12 reps.

Exercise 3: Chest Press

Strap length: About waist high

Starting position: Face away from the door, grab straps with your knuckles facing the ground, straighten your arms and lean forward so that you’re in a plank position.

Action: Sink into a pushup position by letting your hands go out to the sides and your arms bend at the elbow into a 90-degree angle from your shoulders. Slowly return to starting position; do 12 reps. “Don’t let your elbows go past your shoulders to avoid hyperextending the joint,” says Chiarello.

Exercise 4: Curtsy Lunge

Strap length: About mid-thigh

Starting Position: Face the door and grasp the handles with your palms facing each other, elbow next to your ribs. Walk back until straps are taut, then raise your right leg with a slight bend in the knee.

Action: Dip with your left leg as you take your right knee back and behind your left ankle. Slowly return to starting position; do 12 reps, and then switch legs and do 12 more reps. Be sure to keep your head up, eyes forward, and back straight throughout the move. You can make this move easier by tapping the toes of your raised leg on the floor before returning to the starting position.

Exercise 5: Floating Lunge

Strap length: About mid-thigh

Starting position: Use the same starting position as the Curtsy Lunge: Face the door and grasp the handles with your palms facing each other, elbow next to your ribs. Walk back until straps are taut, then raise your right leg with a slight bend in the knee.

Action: Dip with your left leg as you take your right leg behind you. Slowly return to the starting position; do 12 reps, then switch legs and do 12 more. You can make this easier by tapping the toes of your raised leg before returning to the starting position.

Exercise 6: Plank to Pike

Strap length: About mid-calf

Starting position: Face away from the door and support your upper body on your forearms, hands flat; place your feet in the loops, and support your body in a forearm plank.

Action: Engage your abdomen, lower back, glutes, and thighs as you raise your hips toward the ceiling. Hold, and then return to the starting position; one repetition may be enough—you can work up to three strong, slow reps. If the move is too challenging, just hold the plank.

Exercise 7: Side Plank

Strap length: About mid-calf

Starting Position: On your right side, rest on your right forearm—left hand pressed into the ground for support—with your right hip on the ground. Place your feet in the loops, with your left foot slightly in front of the right.

Action: Slowly press your inner thighs together and lift your left hip up into a side plank. Hold for 30 seconds, then slowly lower; one repetition may be enough—you can work up to three strong, slow reps. To make the move easier, hold the plank for 10-20 seconds.

Finish with a stretch

Round out your ten minutes with quick and soothing stretches. If you’re looking for more quick challenges, try these awesome workouts for people who hate exercise.

See more at: Reader's Digest

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: The Only 10-Minute Indoor Workout You'll Need This Winter
The Only 10-Minute Indoor Workout You'll Need This Winter
Whether you're just starting or already have a routine in place, this suspension-training workout is perfect—and it only takes ten minutes!
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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