This overlooked vitamin can help keep your bones and heart strong.

By Karla Walsh, Prevention
Vitamin K is the ugly sweater of the vitamin world. It's far from sexy, not so stylish and is often overlooked, but highly functional. And it deserves a place on your plate like vitamins A, C and D.
“There are actually two types of vitamin K,” says Jen DeWall, RDN, LD, CSSD, a sports performance and weight loss coach and owner of Nutrition in Motion, LLC, in Des Moines, Iowa. Phylloquinones (vitamin K1) are made by plants and are the more common type, while menaquinones (vitamin K2) are found in fermented foods, animal products, and the microbiome of your intestine. Since the body processes some K2 naturally, dietitians recommend eating more foods rich in K1.
Amy Shapiro, RD, founder of Real Nutrition in New York City, says that vitamin K can help decrease heart disease, keep bones strong, prevent calcification of arteries, and help blood clot. The National Institutes of Health recommends 122 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K for women and 138 mcg for men each day. “This is not a significant amount. You can reach your needs with about 3/4 cup of broccoli or a cup of kale,” DeWall says.
That sounds pretty doable. But can you fall short? “It’s very rare to have a vitamin K deficiency. In general, we have more of a ‘whole food deficiency’ in our society,” DeWall adds. “You really can't eat too much vitamin K if you're getting it from natural forms, not synthetic supplements.”
The more the better, of course, but even one serving of greens each day will get you to your quota. “Whole food is powerful, and the vitamins and antioxidants are meant to synergistically work together with your body,” DeWall says. Supplements, though, are another story. “Since vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, it’s not immediately excreted when consumed in excess. That means it’s stored in the body,” says DeWall. Only take vitamin K supplements with a doctor's approval—and never do if you’re taking anticoagulant medications, aka blood thinners.
Luckily, you won't have to pop any pills if you load on foods high in vitamin K. Here, 10 options to add to your plate.
Vitamin K is the ugly sweater of the vitamin world. It's far from sexy, not so stylish and is often overlooked, but highly functional. And it deserves a place on your plate like vitamins A, C and D.
“There are actually two types of vitamin K,” says Jen DeWall, RDN, LD, CSSD, a sports performance and weight loss coach and owner of Nutrition in Motion, LLC, in Des Moines, Iowa. Phylloquinones (vitamin K1) are made by plants and are the more common type, while menaquinones (vitamin K2) are found in fermented foods, animal products, and the microbiome of your intestine. Since the body processes some K2 naturally, dietitians recommend eating more foods rich in K1.
Amy Shapiro, RD, founder of Real Nutrition in New York City, says that vitamin K can help decrease heart disease, keep bones strong, prevent calcification of arteries, and help blood clot. The National Institutes of Health recommends 122 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K for women and 138 mcg for men each day. “This is not a significant amount. You can reach your needs with about 3/4 cup of broccoli or a cup of kale,” DeWall says.
That sounds pretty doable. But can you fall short? “It’s very rare to have a vitamin K deficiency. In general, we have more of a ‘whole food deficiency’ in our society,” DeWall adds. “You really can't eat too much vitamin K if you're getting it from natural forms, not synthetic supplements.”
The more the better, of course, but even one serving of greens each day will get you to your quota. “Whole food is powerful, and the vitamins and antioxidants are meant to synergistically work together with your body,” DeWall says. Supplements, though, are another story. “Since vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, it’s not immediately excreted when consumed in excess. That means it’s stored in the body,” says DeWall. Only take vitamin K supplements with a doctor's approval—and never do if you’re taking anticoagulant medications, aka blood thinners.
Luckily, you won't have to pop any pills if you load on foods high in vitamin K. Here, 10 options to add to your plate.

Vitamin K content: 850 mcg per 3 ounces
Natto is a sticky (and stinky!) Japanese breakfast food that's made with fermented soybeans. Because it's fermented, it is chock-full of gut-loving probiotics.
"The probiotics in these sticky fermented soybeans assist with digestion, while the vitamin K also plays an essential role in bone health," Shapiro says."
Add natto to salads, pasta dishes, and sandwiches and wraps. You can also enjoy it as a side dish with your dinner.
Collard greens

Vitamin K content: 530 mcg per 1/2-cup, boiled
In addition to its K power, collard greens supply excellent doses of fiber, iron, calcium, and manganese. "Collards can help lower bad cholesterol in the body, and the vitamin K helps with anti-inflammatory processes, too," Shapiro says.
Avoid the waist-widening additions in Southern-style collard greens, and keep it simple by sautéing them with a little extra-virgin olive oil, minced garlic, and onions.
Turnip greens

Vitamin K content: 426 mcg per 1/2-cup, boiled
As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, turnip greens are packed with disease-fighting phytonutrients that can help with lowering inflammation and reducing your risk for cancer.
Moreover, Shapiro says the vitamin K in these super greens can also help reduce anemia, improve skin and hair conditions, and lower blood sugar levels.
"Reduce your risk for osteoporosis with these vitamin K-rich leaves that help with calcium absorption," Shapiro says.

Vitamin K content: 110 mcg per 1/2-cup, boiled
Do you remember shoving broccoli off of your plate as a child? Well, it might be time to start adding this cruciferous veggie back into your diet. In addition to its powerful vitamin K content, it's also a rich source of vitamin C, another key nutrient for boosting your immune system.
"Broccoli strengthens your immune system and removes free radicals and toxins from the body. It also helps maintain healthy skin and keeps your heart healthy," Shapiro says.

Vitamin K content: 43 mcg per 1/2-cup, boiled
The beany benefits don't stop at number one on this vitamin K food list. While soybeans are protein-strong, they can also help lower cholesterol levels and protect against cancer, thanks to their potent vitamin and mineral mix.
Carrot juice

Vitamin K content: 28 mcg per 6 ounces
Just like all orange veggies, carrots get an A+ from dietitians for being rich in beta carotene, a type of vitamin A that protects the surface of the eye and contributes to stronger vision.
"Add a glass to your breakfast each day to boost your metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and improve skin," Shapiro recommends.
Soybean oil

Vitamin K content: 25 mcg per tablespoon
Cook with this omega-6 fat source or use it in dressings and marinades to battle against bad cholesterol and Alzheimer’s disease. Just be sure to balance your fats by adding more omega-3s in your diet with wild salmon and nuts.

Vitamin K content: 21 mcg per tablespoon
Don't save this bean for before sushi alone. "Edamame is a good source of protein and healthy fiber that doesn’t raise blood sugar levels," Shapiro says. Beyond the vitamin K, "it offers other antioxidants that help lower circulating cholesterol levels," she adds.
Canned pumpkin

Vitamin K content: 20 mcg per 1/2-cup
This winter squash has much more potential than pie. With fiber to keep you full and vitamins A and C to stoke your immune system, this fall-flavored option is just as delicious mixed into yogurt, oatmeal, or whole grain pancake batter. It's also a great way to squeeze in more fiber and nutrients in pasta sauces, smoothies, or your bread batter for a morning treat.
100 Percent Pomegranate juice

Vitamin K content: 19 mcg per 6 ounces
This vibrant sip is full of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. "Pomegranate juice helps fight against chronic diseases, all while protecting your heart, aiding in digestion and supplying a healthy dose of vitamin C," Shapiro says. Just be sure to stick to 100 percent juice bottles to avoid added sugars.
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