In today’s modern world, people’s lifestyle is
increasingly becoming unhealthy making health problems more common. It
can also be argued that improvement in medical science has made it easy
to diagnose health problems, thus making health Issues look common. Lack
of regular exercise, unhealthy diet and high levels of stress are some
of the most common health issues in modern world today. While most of
these health problems are associated with people’s lifestyle, the
repercussions can escalate and become serious medical problems. Here are
five of the most common health issues today.
Overweight and Obesity

Studies show that regular exercise and staying physically fit can
delay or prevent certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and
some forms of cancers. Regular exercise and healthy diet can also
improve mood and relieve depression. On the other hand, unhealthy diet,
poor eating habits and lack of regular exercise can easily lead to
overweight and obesity. Serious medical problems such as stroke,
coronary heart disease, hypertension, respiratory problems, type 2
diabetes, osteoarthritis etc. are closely related to overweight and
Substance Abuse

Drugs and alcohol is a common problem today, and especially in youth
and minors. While substance abuse is not mostly associated with seniors,
self-medication in senior citizens through use of legal and illegal
drugs and alcoholism can lead to serious health issues. In addition,
people with diseases that affect the brain can unknowingly mix
medications leading drug abuse. Tobacco use (now called “Tobacco
dependence disease”) is one of the major causes of ailments and
premature deaths around the world.
Mental Problems

Life challenges such as unemployment, abusive relationships,
loneliness and work-related stress are common causes of depression and
mental problems. Prolonged illnesses such as diabetes and renal failure
are common triggers of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease which can
further lead to depression (or even suicide) in the elderly people.
Major Diseases

Diseases such as cancer, diabetes, HIVAIDS, heart diseases, kidney
diseases etc. are some of the major health concerns of the 21st century.
Genetics and lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcoholism and obesity
are known risk factors for major diseases such as cancer, diabetes and
heart diseases. Studies have shown that modernization and environmental
issues can lead to increased cases of cancer due to exposure to
radiation and too much sun.
Environmental Issues

As countries strive towards self-sustaining economies, the
environment has been left without proper care leading to major
environmental issues such as pollution, global warming and climate
change. Studies show that people in developing countries (especially in
informal settlements) are more likely to suffer from environmental
related problems such as lack of clean water, poor hygiene and related
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