By Kelly Turner, Fitness Republic
Iron deficiency anemia occurs when there is a decrease in red blood cells due to having too little iron in your body.
your body doesn’t have enough iron to produce hemoglobin, which allows
red blood cells to carry oxygenated blood to all your tissues, you will
begin feel the effects in multiple ways.
can develop iron deficiency anemia, but some people are more at risk
than others. Vegetarians and vegans are at risk, because their diets do
not include red meat, one of the biggest dietary sources of iron. Women,
too, are particularly at risk, as a result of monthly blood loss during
menstruation. Pregnant women also need to be especially careful of
anemia, as blood volume expands to help the fetus make his or her blood
supply — doubling the woman’s need for iron.
On average, about 20
per cent of women and 50 per cent of pregnant women do not have enough
iron in their bodies, compared to 3 per cent of men.
Iron Deficiency Anemia Symptoms
beating hearts circulate blood to every cell in our bodies, supplying
them with vital oxygen. When you’re anemic, your cells lack are lacking
oxygen, which can result in a range of physical symptoms.
deficiency symptoms are often so mild, they go unnoticed or are written
off as simply feeling tired. The more deficient you become, however, the
worse the symptoms are, so it’s best to catch it early. If you are
already experiencing some of the following symptoms and aren’t sure why,
iron deficiency may be the culprit.
1. Extreme Fatigue Or Weakness
If you’re sleeping more than usual, aren’t waking up feeling as rested as you normally do, or simply experiencing over all low energy levels or muscle weakness for an extended period of time, anemia may be to blame.
2. Headache, Dizziness Or Light-headedness, Especially Upon Standing
blood pressure drops when we stand up, so if you’re already lacking
oxygen, this movement can cause headaches and dizziness. For some,
fainting may occur.
3. Shortness Of Breath
Are you more winded than usual while climbing the stairs? More cardio might not be the answer this time.
4. Frequent Infections
small cuts are getting infected despite proper care, or if they are
taking longer than normal to heal, low hemoglobin levels may be to
5. Cold Hands And Feet
Are you often told, “You’re
hands are so cold!”? Circulation issues affect your digits first, so if
your fingers and toes are always freezing, or your nails turn purple,
more iron, not more layers, may do the trick.
6. Weak, Brittle Nails
Your nails replenish quickly, so any nutrient deficiencies will show there first (as well as your hair). Strong, healthy nails mean your nutrition is on point, while splitting, weak, brittle nails are a sure sign that you may be lacking in iron.
7. Increased Heart Rate
can often effect your heart rate, as your heart will beat faster to try
to supply your cells with more oxygen. If you find your heart is always
racing, you may want to get checked out.
8. Unusual Cravings (Like, Really Unusual)
are your body telling you it needs something. Most of the time, it’s
wise to ignore cravings (like if they’re responding to that sugary treat
you had earlier), but if you are craving odd, non-food items, like
chalk or dirt, your body is likely screaming for iron.
9. Restless Leg Syndrome
people who have never experienced Restless Leg Syndrome, it almost
sounds like a joke, but if you’ve ever felt that uncomfortable, almost
unbearable, tingling, crawling feeling in your legs, poor circulation as
a result of anemia may be to blame.
10. Chest Pain
pain is never anything to take lightly. While it is a symptom of iron
deficiency anemia, it can also be much more serious than that, so always
get chest pain checked out immediately.
What Can You Do?
quickest way to prevent any dietary deficiency is to make sure you are
eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Consuming iron-rich foods like
meat, eggs, fish and leafy greens or iron-fortified cereals, breads or
milk will usually do the trick if there isn’t a bigger, underlying cause
for low iron levels.
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