6 Cancer-Fighting Foods You Should Always Stock In Your Kitchen

Done and done.

Cancer rates continue to rise—there were over 1.6 million new diagnoses in 2016. But the foods you eat can play a big role in your defense. Foods rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants can help to prevent the disease, and thankfully you probably already have many of them in your kitchen. Here are six cancer-fighting foods you should always have on hand in your pantry, fridge or freezer, and some ideas for how to cook with them.

Chia Seeds

These protein-rich gems do more than add crunch as a smoothie bowl topping. Versatile and tasty, chia seeds contain many antioxidants, including quercetin, kaempferol, and chlorogenic acid, all associated with prevention of lung and prostate cancer. Chia seeds are rich in fiber, potentially reducing risk of colorectal cancer.

Look for packaged chia seeds or in bulk bin areas of your market. Use chia seeds to thicken a nutritious pudding, like this matcha chia pudding from Claudia Thompson-Felty, PhD, RD. Try chia seeds in this amazingly delicious vegan mandarin orange smoothie bowl from Amy Gorin, MS, RD. Another fun way to use chia seeds is in jams, so check out this naturally sweet raspberry lime chia jam from Julie Harrington, RD.


Red Grapes

Resveratrol isn’t only found in red wine! It’s one of the most studied cancer-fighting compounds, and it actually inhibits cancer-producing cells. The skins of red grapes are rich in resveratrol. Red and purple grapes also contain anthocyanins and catechins, both powerful antioxidants.
Freeze grapes in small plastic sealed bags for a cold and refreshing snack pack. Roasting grapes brings out a caramelized sweetness perfect to top salads, grilled chicken, or whole grain toast. Red grapes are available year-round, but get them locally and cheaper in the summertime.

Related: Stop Buying Energy Bars—Make This Grape And Walnut Snack Instead



Sometimes called the “super nut,” walnuts contain nearly twice the antioxidants as other popular nuts. Walnuts boast an incredibly high amount of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid connected to reducing colon cancer. Polyphenols found in walnuts may help prevent prostate cancer. Interestingly, roasting makes it easier for the body to absorb these nutrients.

Use toasted walnuts in this tasty trail mix from Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD. Or, keep these amazing chia roasted walnuts from Judy Barbe, RD, on hand to top your oatmeal or yogurt, or enjoy as an afternoon pick-me-up.

Related: 12 Of The Most Potent Disease-Fighting Foods On The Planet



Polyphenols in artichokes cause breast and colorectal cancer cells to die. While not a treatment for these cancers, these phytochemicals may be preventative against cancer cell growth. Artichokes also provide a good source of folate, an important B-vitamin associated with reduced risk of lung cancer.
Look for frozen artichoke hearts in the freezer section of the grocery store, or fresh whole artichokes in the produce section. (You can even grow your own artichokes, too!) Enjoy artichokes in this lightened up jalapeno-artichoke dip from Judy Barbe, RD. Simple grilled artichokes from Sharon Palmer, MS, RD, may be the most elegant appetizer ever to serve your guests.



These amazingly sweet blueberries are a unique fruit. Native from the Maine to West Virginia and west to Michigan, wild blueberries are incredibly rich in anthocyanins. If you haven’t heard of anthocyanins, you’ll be happy to know that these flavonoids give blueberries their purplish color. Anthocyanins are strong antioxidants and are linked to inhibiting various forms of cancer. Blueberries have the highest “total antioxidant capacity” when compared to over 20 other fruits and vegetables.\

Look for blueberries in the freezer section of your store year-round, which are high in flavor and nutrients. Even better, plant blueberries in your garden or pick your own at a local farm during the summer. We probably don’t have to tell you they’re delicious on top of oatmeal or yogurt, and you can always try these twelve easy blueberry recipes for more variety.

Related: These Blueberry-Lemon Energy Balls Are The Best Way To Break Your Cookie Habit

Brussels sprouts

A much maligned vegetable, Brussels sprouts are making a comeback to the kitchen, and with good reason. Indoles and isothiocyanates, molecules found in cruciferous vegetables, inhibit tumor formation in the bladder, breast, colon, liver and lung. Eating more cruciferous veggies has been linked to reduced rates of prostate, lung and breast cancers. Brussels sprouts are excellent sources of vitamins C and K. (Here’s how to grow Brussels sprouts in your garden.)

What’s more, these babies are incredibly versatile. Roasted Brussels with butternut squash, a delectable hearty side dish from Betsy Ramirez, MEd, RD, is perfect for a family gathering. Chopped up in slaw form, Brussels contribute to a nutty high-fiber Asian-inspired salad from Jennifer Bowers, PhD, RD. Your mom was right when she told you to eat your veggies!

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: 6 Cancer-Fighting Foods You Should Always Stock In Your Kitchen
6 Cancer-Fighting Foods You Should Always Stock In Your Kitchen
Cancer rates continue to rise—there were over 1.6 million new diagnoses in 2016. But the foods you eat can play a big role in your defense.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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