By Amy Marturana, Self
We've all been there: dozing off at our
desks, trying desperately to muster up the energy to finish that
assignment before the day ends. It's easy to just throw back another cup (or three) of coffee,
but perpetuating the caffeine boost-and-crash cycle is just going to
leave you with the same problem later on—or worse, make it difficult for
you to actually get quality sleep at night.
time you're desperately considering propping your eyelids open with
toothpicks, try these easy tricks to re-energize yourself and power
through the rest of the day.
Get up and take a walk outside.
a walk through the building if you really can't get outside (or if the
weather's ugly). But ideally, a nice dose of fresh air will do you good.
"You'll get sunlight and really give your brain a rest," Rachel Salas, M.D.,
an associate professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine who
specializes in sleep medicine, tells SELF. "Recharge and stop and smell
the roses."
Do some meditation exercises.
can work really well if you're just feeling drained, Salas says.
"Implementing a two-minute meditation, even in your office, can recharge
you," she says. Integrative medicine expert Taz Bhatia, M.D.,
agrees: "If you can develop that skill and use it in the workplace, it
really helps with energy." But she notes that for some people, it can be
hard. Try one of these relaxing apps if you're having a tough time figuring out how to start.
Take a coloring break.
think the majority of this fatigue is mental fatigue," Taz says. So
taking a mental break is probably what your body needs. "Turn off the
computer screen and do something else, like coloring in a coloring book
or even knitting or journaling for a few minutes, whatever you like to
do," Taz recommends. Just make sure if you're staring at a computer all
day that your break activity doesn't involve an electronic screen, too.
Chat with your co-workers.
thing I personally do is take a break and go talk to my colleagues or
people on my team and talk about things other than work," Salas says.
"That always recharges the group. I call it 'solace rounds.'" Taking a
breather can work wonders if you're stressed, overwhelmed, or just
hitting a wall and need a change of pace.
Use aromatherapy.
peppermint, and rosemary are all scents known for having uplifting and
energizing effects. "When you inhale them, they go from the nose to the
brain, straight to the limbic system," Taz explains. The limbic system
controls smell, but also emotions, motivation, and behavior. When these
uplifting scents hit the brain, "it in turn regulates neurotransmitters
like serotonin and dopamine," Taz explains, making you more alert.
Snack on some protein.
blood sugar, thanks to a nice boost right after lunch followed by a dip
later, can make you feel sluggish. Taz suggests keeping some high-protein snacks,
like nuts or nut butter, at your desk. They'll give you energy and help
stabilize your blood sugar. "Stay away from coffee and sugary foods,
because you will get an energy burst but then crash," she warns.
Or dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate
has magnesium, which is a calming agent, Taz explains. But a square or
two is also just a great emotional pick-me-up. "It just gives you a
30-second to one-minute relaxation response, so you have a minute to
recharge and refocus."
Get in a quick workout.
exercise can change the body's temperature and that can alert you or
wake you up, which is why we don’t recommend intense exercise right at
bedtime," Salas says. It doesn't have to be intense though—even just
doing some stretches at your desk can help. A small amount of exercise
can increase your endorphins, boosting your mood and energy levels
instantly. Try this easy 10-minute workout at your desk.
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