This Woman Lost Her Belly Just By Working Out 10 Minutes A Day


When Linda Cohen saw a Facebook post announcing that Prevention was looking for busy women like her to test the new Fit in 10: Slim & Strong—for Life! plan, she knew she had to apply. The program appealed to the stay-at-home mom of two teens—a 16-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son—for multiple reasons. "First, I really liked that it talked about becoming lean and strong instead of skinny," says Cohen, 45. "Being strong is really important to me. In fact, when my kids were little, they would ask why I was going to the gym, and I often said it was so that I could pick them up, hold them, and take care of them." (See more amazing Fit in 10 transformations here!)

[post_ads]Cohen also liked the idea of losing the 10 pounds that had slowly crept on over the past few years. Even though she enjoyed being active and consistently went to boot camp and yoga a few times a week, or biked with her family on the weekends, her metabolism seemed to be slowing down. She hadn't changed her habits or schedule, but her clothes were getting tighter, especially around the middle.

"I tend to be a very active person, I love to be outside, and I love to exercise," says Cohen. "But I also love to eat and specifically I have a sweet tooth." Even though she cooked healthfully most of the time, she often ate more than she really needed. And when her kids would ask her to bake them a favorite treat, Cohen often found herself licking the bowl or nibbling while she cooked. "It wasn't like I gained 10 pounds in one year, it was 1 or 2 pounds each year until suddenly the scale said a number that I hadn't seen before," she says.

When Cohen adopted the Fit in 10 lifestyle—eating clean with delicious 10-minute meals and doing just one of the 10-minute toning routines each day—she was amazed at how quickly she started to see and feel a difference. Cohen found the Fit in 10 nutrition guidance and meal plans especially useful. "I really like that there are recipes set out right from the beginning, and portion sizing," she says. "I love the idea that everything is clean and not processed food. I've talked to people who get the packaged food sent to them through the mail, but that's not appealing to me. I like the idea of fresh food, and that this program is all spelled out." 
First, she starting by following the 10-Day Clean Eating Jump-Start (which you'll get when you buy the full program). "The work was done for me," says Cohen.  "I knew I was getting all of the protein and calories I needed, and I knew that all my food groups were covered. It was a really easy way to literally jump-start the weight loss. I loved that I wasn't on a diet and it didn't feel like a diet. I wasn't measuring or weighing my food. I also found it was really easy to follow when I was out of the house and unable to cook. It was terrific." 

Cohen found that adding the extra 10 minutes of toning to her day worked best if she did it first thing each morning. "If I waited until the end of the day, then it seemed like more of a chore for me," she says. "But doing the exercises first thing in the morning made it just part of my waking up, and I loved that." 

After just 8 weeks, Cohen could see and feel a difference in her waist, her clothes were fitting better, her arms were stronger and more toned, and she'd lost 7 pounds. "Everything is more comfortable, and I don't feel like I need to hide my belly anymore," she says. "I can tuck in my shirts, and I was even confident enough to wear a two-piece swimsuit in public for the first time in years this summer. It helped me take my body to the next level and see the results I wanted."
Why Fit in 10 Works for Her
  • It tones every zone. "I loved that the workouts were sectioned by upper body, lower body, belly, and total body. It was nice to mix and match them if I was feeling really strong and wanted to add 10 minutes of belly or arms." 
  • It's so easy to follow, you'll happily tell your friends about it. "I would absolutely recommend Fit in 10 to a friend. I don't think of it as a diet, but as a way of life. It's clean eating, which is super fantastic. It's exercising, which is super important—and it's all manageable because it's laid out for you, it's set up. You just have to follow along, and watch the exercise videos. It's terrific." 


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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: This Woman Lost Her Belly Just By Working Out 10 Minutes A Day
This Woman Lost Her Belly Just By Working Out 10 Minutes A Day
Find out about the meal and weight-loss plan that helped stay-at-home mom Linda Cohen lose her belly on a busy schedule.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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