By Ashley Mateo, Redbook
Sculpt a kickass lower body in less than 15 minutes.
Guess what? You don't have to resign yourself to hours of lunges if you're looking to sculpt strong, sexy legs. These five moves from Australian trainer Emily Skye will firm up all of your leg muscles — from butt to calves — so your legs look longer and leaner. All you need is a resistance band for a kickass lower body workout you can check off your To Do list in less than 15 minutes.
Complete each exercise for 40 seconds one after the other, then rest for 60 seconds. Complete the circuit 5 times
1. Resistance Band Squat
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart, a resistance band taut around your calves. Lower into a squat, keeping knees over ankles.
B. Hold the squat for two seconds, then rise back up to start. Repeat.
2. Resistance Band Monster Walks
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart, a resistance band taut around your calves. Bend knees slightly, then step right foot out to the front.
B. Step left foot in front of right foot. Continue stepping forward for 20 seconds, then reverse back to start.
3. Resistance Band Crab Walks
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart, a resistance band taut around your calves. Bend knees slightly, then step right foot out to the right side.
B. Bring left foot to meet right foot. Continue stepping to the right for 20 seconds, then reverse back to start.
4. Resistance Band Glute Bridge
A. Lay on your back with a resistance band around your calves. Bend knees, bringing heels close to the butt, arms extended so fingertips reach toward the heels. Squeezing your butt, lift hips toward the sky.
B. Hold at the top for two seconds before lowering back to the ground. Repeat
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