6 Ways Nutritionists Slow Down Their Meals For Weight Loss

By Marygrace Taylor, Prevention

It's no secret that the eating habits of those (lucky) effortlessly slim folks are different than the way the rest of us chow down. For instance, they listen to their bodies' hunger and fullness signals instead of counting calories, and don't get guilty over the occasional cookie. 

[post_ads]They also tend to eat slower, too. Findings show that noshing at a snail-like pace can help you take in fewer calories, and still leave you fuller and more satisfied long after your meal is over. Add it all up, and it's no wonder that slower eating speeds are linked to a lower body mass index, while speed eating is tied to higher BMIs, according to one Journal of the American Dietetic Association study.

Sounds great, but what if you're more hare than turtle at the table? Don't worry. Just like exercising daily or having fresh fruit be your default snack, you can learn how to put on the brakes at mealtime—and reap the weight loss benefits. Here are 6 nutritionist-backed tactics that make slowing down easy.
Make plenty of sip-stops.
Rather than guzzling all your water in a few big gulps, stop to take a sip every couple of bites, recommends Amy Gorin, MS, RD, founder of Amy Gorin Nutrition in Jersey City, NJ. All those drinking breaks will force you to swallow your food, put down your fork, and take a pause before reaching for another bite.
Find foods that make you work.
Think half of a pomegranate instead of a package of just the seeds, nuts that are still in their shells, or even foods that you can assemble on your plate (like tacos or lettuce cups). The extra effort might not seem like much, but it can make a big difference, says Gorin. One Appetite study found that subjects who snacked on in-shell pistachios consumed 41% fewer calories compared to those who ate shelled ones.
Eat with your nondominant hand.
Unless you want to look like a klutz, it'll force you to move slower—and be more mindful of how much you're eating, says Rebecca Lewis, in-house dietitian at HelloFresh. And that can help you eat up to 30% less, according to one University of Southern California study
Trade your fork for chopsticks.
[post_ads]Don't just use them for Chinese food takeout, says Gorin. Even if you're a pro at using them, chopsticks pick up less food than most forks, forcing you to take smaller bites. Buy a nice reusable set, and make them your default at the dinner table.
Pick a small, red plate.
The color red signals STOP! to your brain, and findings show that people who eat off of red plates really do end up scarfing down less, says Lewis. Swapping your standard dinner plate for a salad-sized one helps, too. "When you start out with a smaller plate, you're more likely to take your time to make the food last longer," Lewis says.
Make mealtime all about the food.
Close your laptop, turn off the TV, and tuck your phone in a drawer. Staring at devices can put you in zombie mode, leaving you unaware of how much—and how fast—you're eating, says Lewis. Without any distractions, you'll pay more attention to your food, enjoy it more, and feel satisfied sooner. 

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: 6 Ways Nutritionists Slow Down Their Meals For Weight Loss
6 Ways Nutritionists Slow Down Their Meals For Weight Loss
Eating more slowly can help you take in fewer calories, yet still feel full and satisfied. Learn how to eat more slowly and reap the weight-loss benefits.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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