First of all, you're definitely not wearing enough sunscreen.

By Stephanie Wood, Redbook
It's not fair, really: The thing that brings you so much joy is kind of
out to get you, too. But this year you can soak it up knowing you've
done all you can to protect your family, thanks to the wisdom of these
top doctors.
You're not wearing enough sunscreen.

Please see a dermatologist.

[post_ads]"I have a college friend who had
always had a mole on her forehead. When I saw her at a reunion
recently, I was alarmed. It had become a textbook melanoma,
but when I asked if she'd had it looked at, she quickly dismissed me:
'I was born with this. It's fine.' It wasn't. Melanomas develop slowly,
and the person looking at the cancer every day rarely notices these
gradual changes. Of the ABCDE formula for recognizing melanomas—asymmetrical, irregular borders, color changes, diameter, and evolving
— the last, evolving, is the most important, yet the hardest for the
patient to see. Plus, most melanomas don't even develop in a mole. They
can also be clear in color or look like a pimple or sore that just won't
heal. An itchy or tender patch of skin can be a melanoma. This is why
it's so important to see a dermatologist
who specializes in skin cancer for a skin check every year.
Fortunately, my friend's cancer was caught early, and she's doing
well." —Larisa Geskin, M.D., director of the Comprehensive Skin Cancer Center at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City
Sunglasses are for more than glare.

RELATED: The 10 Best Drugstore Moisturizers With SPF
[post_ads]"I have a friend who's normally very careful about the sun, but even she got burned on a Caribbean vacation.
The closer you are to the equator, the stronger the sun's rays — more
direct sunlight passes through the atmosphere there because of the angle
of the earth's tilt. I asked if she had blistering, a fever, chills, or
other flu-like symptoms, all of which require treatment. She didn't, so
I shared my favorite home remedies that help to relieve the pain and
minimize damage to the skin. First, she needed to take ibuprofen to
reduce the inflammation. Then, I told her, soak in a colloidal oatmeal
bath — the oatmeal coats the skin, keeping it hydrated and helping it
heal. The next step is to make some green tea for both drinking and tea
bag compresses. It will soothe the burning sensation, and the
antioxidants in green tea help repair cells. Finally, I recommend
applying over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to calm the redness. Most
important, don't let it happen again!" —Melanie Palm, M.D., Medical Director At Art of Skin, M.D. in San Diego, and a spokesperson for the Skin Cancer Foundation
Vitamin D is no excuse.

"I cringed recently when a friend told me she didn't wear sunscreen all the time because she needed vitamin D.
This is a mistake on so many levels. Yes, UVB rays are needed for the
body to make vitamin D into the usable form that protects your bones.
But even when you use sunscreen, you're not 100 percent protected from
the sun's rays. And the sun-vitamin D relationship is complicated: Time
of day, season, and skin tone impact vitamin D production. For most
people, 10 to 15 minutes of unprotected exposure a couple of times a
week in the summer is all that is needed. In fact, to prevent an
overdose, your body won't convert more vitamin D than it needs, so
you're quickly left with sun damage and no benefit at all. Eat your D instead
— you can find it in salmon, tuna, cheese, eggs, and fortified cereal,
milk, and orange juice — and talk to your doctor about the best
supplement dosage." —Laura Ferris, M.D., Ph.D.
Try this to soothe a sunburn

"A friend who remembers having
sunburns as a child asked if she could do anything to reverse their
effects. You can't — suffering one or more blistering sunburns in
childhood or adolescence more than doubles a person's chance of skin
cancer — but preventing further damage will help. I suggested she start taking a form of vitamin B3 (niacin) called nicotinamide. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found
that taking a 500 mg supplement twice a day reduced the risk of
non-melanoma skin cancers — the most common kinds — by 23 percent. You
can also get nicotinamide from niacin-rich foods such as poultry, beef,
fish, and fortified cereal. And, of course, do what you can now to
prevent any more burns." —Larisa Geskin, M.D.