By Chelsea Streifeneder, Prevention
Walls make a great prop for bodyweight strength training. This arm routine not only works every muscle in your upper body,
but it also fires up your core and back muscles, which help to
stabilize your body through each movement. For best results, do this
circuit 1 to 2 times through, and perform the series 3 times a week.
(Got 10 minutes? Then you've got time to lose the weight for good with Prevention's new 10-minute workouts and 10-minute meals. Get Fit in 10: Slim and Strong for Life now!)

Lean into the wall and hold your body in a plank position
with arms a little wider than shoulder-distance apart. Alternating
arms, walk yourself down the wall without rocking your body side to
side. Once you feel like you can't hold your form anymore, start to walk
back up with your hands to start position. Repeat this 3 to 5 times,
holding your core in the whole time to support your lower back.