By Lauren Rearick, Readers Digest
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, bumps and knocks are
inevitable. You hit your knee on the door jamb, clip a desk with your
hip, or take out a bedside table on a midnight trip to the bathroom.
Then you realize there’s an discolored mark on your body: How do you get
rid of it—fast? Dena Nader, MD, Regional Medical Director for
MedExpress, has answers.
[post_ads]Bruises occur when blood leaks out from small blood vessels under the
skin, explains Dr. Nader, creating that distinctive dark, purplish
color. So the moment you make contact with something, you have to act
quickly. Place an ice bag or a cold compress over the area to help
reduce immediate swelling. The cold restricts blood vessels, slowing the
flow which tones down the coloring of your bruise. Apply the cold ten
minutes on, 20 minutes off, several times a day. (Here are 7 quick fixes for other minor cuts, scrapes and injuries.)
What about those times when you happen to notice a bruise—and you
have no idea how long it’s been there? “If the swelling is gone, you can
use a warm compress—essentially promoting the opposite behavior of the
cold compress,” Dr. Nader said. “At this stage, heat will prompt blood
flow to the area, ushering away any pooled up blood in the area,” she
One tactic to avoid, warns Dr. Nader: Pushing on a bruise to try and
break up the blood beneath the skin. This is not proven effective and
could result in additional soreness and bruising. (Yikes.)
Generally, bruises clear up within five to seven days, she says,
although the length depends on the severity of the bruise. If you notice
pain and tenderness that won’t go away, see a doctor—you may have an
underlying injury. Got bruises that turn up all the time and you can’t
figure out why? Again, see a doctor as it could be a sign of something
more serious. Remember that any bruise to the head should be monitored
closely—it might be a concussion.
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