Hitting the gym isn't the only way to get a workout. These are some simple ways to get more active everyday – and you don't need any fancy kit.

By Suzanne Baum, Prima
Whether it's because you're lacking the time,
energy or inclination, sometimes the thought of going to the gym or
taking up a new sport just doesn't appeal. And it seems you're not alone
with a more than 20 million Britons 'physically inactive' according to a
recent report by the British Heart Foundation.
But if it's because the thought of going to a gym makes you break out in hives and slump back on the sofa, we've got good news for you. There are plenty of ways you can get active every day to make you feel better, tone up and burn calories.
But if it's because the thought of going to a gym makes you break out in hives and slump back on the sofa, we've got good news for you. There are plenty of ways you can get active every day to make you feel better, tone up and burn calories.
Dust away the cobwebs – with some housework…

You might not get excited at the
thought of doing household chores, but research has proven that dusting,
vacuuming and mopping are as good for you as any session at the gym –
provided of course you put a lot of effort into it!
So if you
don't have time to lift weights at the gym, then substitute them with
everyday household tasks or even a spot of strenuous gardening.
Evidence has shown that vigorous cleaning can burn up to 315 calories an hour – plan your housework
so that you have to run up and down the stairs. After all the hard work
reward yourself with a lie down on your freshly laundered sheets and
relish in the fact you have a clean house and mind.
A study
by UK cleaning company StarBrands has revealed that those tiresome
housework chores could help get rid of your muffin top. Even making the bed can shift 70 calories, which ordinarily you'd have to burn through doing 20 minutes of Pilates.
Ditch the car – and get walking

Challenge yourself to walk up to
10,000 steps a day – roughly equivalent to around five miles. If seeing
just how far you've walked will help, try a pedometer to track steps or
us an app like MapMyRun
to work out how far you've walked. By the time I have done my school
run and walked the dog I have hit 5,000 steps with hardly any effort.
Follow the advice from personal trainer and body sculptor at CS Fit
Claudine Stone and you can use your daily routine to add in a full-body
'School runs… how often do we sit in traffic and watch pedestrians walking faster than us? Ditch the car, grab the dog, give the kids their scooters and you can give yourself a workout: walk and watch the kids scoot ahead, then sprint to catch up with them and repeat! The dog's been walked and you're now burning fat for most of the day!
'Instead of driving to the shops try walking,' adds Claudine. 'There are many things you can use on your journey to incorporate exercise: Try using park benches for squats and push ups, then on the return journey, try and load your shopping bags equally so as to use them as weights for bicep curls and lateral raises. That's nearly a full body workout!'
Get dancing
'School runs… how often do we sit in traffic and watch pedestrians walking faster than us? Ditch the car, grab the dog, give the kids their scooters and you can give yourself a workout: walk and watch the kids scoot ahead, then sprint to catch up with them and repeat! The dog's been walked and you're now burning fat for most of the day!
'Instead of driving to the shops try walking,' adds Claudine. 'There are many things you can use on your journey to incorporate exercise: Try using park benches for squats and push ups, then on the return journey, try and load your shopping bags equally so as to use them as weights for bicep curls and lateral raises. That's nearly a full body workout!'
Get dancing

The key to burning calories is
to move your whole body, so embrace the music and dance! Make the most
of your nights on the dance floor or kitchen disco and let your inner dancing
diva out to play. Dance is an excellent form of aerobic conditioning
and so enjoyable you won't even consider it exercise. The number of
calories burned depends on your weight, the length of time you dance and
how intense the workout is so don't hold back.
Experts say that dancing can also improve psychological wellbeing. A 30-minute street, swing or contemporary dance class could be more beneficial to your waistline than enduring that time in the gym.
Dr Nick Smeeton, from the University of Brighton, said: 'Dance not only appears to increase positive and reduce negative emotions, which are typical effects of exercise, but we also found that dancing actually reduced feelings of fatigue too.'
Experts say that dancing can also improve psychological wellbeing. A 30-minute street, swing or contemporary dance class could be more beneficial to your waistline than enduring that time in the gym.
Dr Nick Smeeton, from the University of Brighton, said: 'Dance not only appears to increase positive and reduce negative emotions, which are typical effects of exercise, but we also found that dancing actually reduced feelings of fatigue too.'
Drink more water and green tea!

Ditch the unwanted calories in alcohol
and reach for some green tea or water instead and you will benefit
hugely in so many ways! When you drink cold water, your body uses extra
calories to warm the water up to body temperature…so you are losing
weight without even trying! What's more, as well as filling you up it
can be great for hydrating your skin and getting rid of toxic waste.
A study by a team of scientists at Anglia Ruskin University revealed when combined with exercise, green tea does help shed fat-provided you drink AT LEAST seven cups of it…
Sex it up!
A study by a team of scientists at Anglia Ruskin University revealed when combined with exercise, green tea does help shed fat-provided you drink AT LEAST seven cups of it…
Sex it up!

Experts estimate 30 minutes of sex burns 85 to 150 calories and those calories could add up if you are having sex
often enough. Theoretically, you need to burn about 3,500 calories to
lose a pound of body weight, so if you were using up 100 calories every
time you had sex, you could lose one pound if you had sex 35 times.
baffling but who cares – it's a fun way to slowly drop some weight and
as a bonus sex also helps you sleep, which is a lot better aid to weight
loss than late-night snacking!
According to a stud by
researchers at the University of Quebec in Canada, women burn about 3.1
calories per minute while men burn 4.2 calories every minute when they
have sex. So in a session lasting 30 minutes, men can burn about 100
calories. This is similar to a moderate intensity workout such as
playing tennis or cycling. But it is definitely more pleasurable than
running on the treadmill!
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