Sick of sucking it in? This fat-blasting protocol from Drs. Jade and Keoni Teta can banish your belly once and for all.

By Jess Fromm, Rodale's wellness.
Have you ever thought to yourself (or complained to a friend), "I just wish I could lose weight right here,"
pointing to that one bit of stubborn fat on your body that seems to
stay put no matter how much kale you eat or miles you log? Thought so.
It’s safe to say we’ve all been there. And while most fitness experts
will tell you that "spot reduction" isn't possible, and that all the ab exercises in the world won't get you a six-pack if you're not taking other steps to melt belly fat, that doesn't mean you can't manipulate your shape.
[post_ads]In their new book Lose Weight Here, Metabolic Effect
founders Drs. Jade and Keoni Teta argue that in order to truly change
the shape of your body, you have to ignore the standard "eat less and
exercise more" advice. This
formula, often touted as the only way to get the results you want, is
actually, they say, a path to cravings, mood swings, and regained weight
-- and a surefire way to make sure your stubborn fat stays put.
Perhaps the biggest body woe the Tetas hear about from their clients?
Belly fat. It’s not your imagination -- the fat stored in your belly (as
well as your hips, butt, and thighs) really is more stubborn
than fat stored elsewhere (you can thank your hormones and an
out-of-balance metabolism for that). But there is hope! Here are the
Tetas' top 4 tips for releasing stubborn belly fat, adapted from Lose Weight Here:
Sleep more and reduce stress.
If you’re “doing everything right” and still struggling with belly fat -- especially if you’re thin otherwise -- the primary issue is stress management. It’s not too many calories. It’s not too many carbs. It’s not because you are not doing enough exercise. It is stress. Women with high waist-to-hip ratios (bigger bellies), whether overweight or underweight, have been shown in research to be more stress reactive. One major way to combat stress? Get more Zs. The Tetas say that a woman with stubborn belly fat that does not respond to diet and exercise would be far better off spending an extra hour in bed than an extra hour on the treadmill. So stop stressing over your workout routine and meal plan -- make sleep a priority and aim to work up to an extra hour of sleep each night.
Find hormonal balance.
What else matters more than calories in your battle with belly fat? Hormones. Hormones impact where we store fat and how to attack our uniquely stubborn areas of body fat. The stress hormones insulin and cortisol, in particular, exert a strong influence on belly fat in both men and women, with cortisol being more influential in women. Estrogen and progesterone together block the negative influences of insulin and cortisol on belly fat, and they’re the reasons women tend to have a lower incidence of belly fat than men (since women innately have more estrogen than men).
The stress that causes female belly fat leads to a unique hormonal
situation where testosterone and cortisol are high while estrogen is
low. By reducing stress
and repairing your metabolism through a diet that leaves you satisfied,
not deprived, you can begin to stabilize your hormone levels and combat
the negative effects of insulin and cortisol.
Choose the right supplements.
Along with a balanced diet and exercise schedule, the Tetas recommend these supplements for combating belly fat:
• A daily metabolic multivitamin that includes high-dose B vitamins
and chromium. This will help combat insulin resistance and replace
resources that stress depletes, especially zinc, magnesium, and vitamin
• Green coffee extract (1,000 milligrams daily). Like green tea extract, this is an insulin-sensitizing supplement.
• Curcumin (1,000 to 4,000 milligrams daily). This helps the metabolic command and control center, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, react better to stress. It also blocks major enzymes involved in fat storage and weight-loss resistance.
• Green coffee extract (1,000 milligrams daily). Like green tea extract, this is an insulin-sensitizing supplement.
• Curcumin (1,000 to 4,000 milligrams daily). This helps the metabolic command and control center, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, react better to stress. It also blocks major enzymes involved in fat storage and weight-loss resistance.