By Jenna Autuori Dedic, Prevention
always remember the time growing up in the '90s when my parents went on a
crash diet, and by "they" I really mean "we," since the entire
household (including me and my brother) ended up going along for their
healthy-kick ride. And like many Americans, their definition of healthy
was eating fat-free or low-fat foods.
Gone were our potato chips, Cheeze Whiz spread onto Ritz crackers,
and real ice cream. In their place we got SnackWells Devil's Food
cookies, fat-free ice cream, Reduced Fat Cheez-Its, and Lay's WOW!
[post_ads]While the switch-up worked out OK for my family—probably because my
parents started seriously exercising around the same time—plenty of
others who tried a similar tactic actually got fatter. They didn't stop
to think that products stamped "low fat"
still had plenty of calories, in some cases as many (or more) as their
full-fat counterparts. It was also pretty common to overeat, since the
"low fat" label made an otherwise garbage food seem virtuous. Meanwhile,
many of those "healthy" foods were filled with artificial flavors and
chemical additives designed to compensate for the lack of fat, says New
York City-based nutritionist Stephanie Middleberg. (My family quickly
ditched the fat-free WOW! chips, made with digestive demon Olestra.)
Fast forward to 2017, and I'm happy to say that I no longer have tons
of fake food in my kitchen. That said, I was still avoiding many
full-fat foods, assuming that the lighter options were better for me. I
often bought low-fat cheese, light yogurt,
fat-free coffee creamer, and fat-free salad dressing. That seemed
perfectly reasonable, until I found myself one Monday morning out of
both coffee creamer and skim milk. So I did the previously unthinkable: I
drank my coffee black.
As I sipped, I realized that this was probably the first cup of java
I'd had in over a decade that that was completely pure and natural—and
it was pretty good. Maybe I didn't need to mask the real thing with
artificial flavors after all.
Meanwhile, I'd been hearing more about the benefits of eating
regular, full-fat foods and realized they might not be as dangerous as I
thought: Some studies
have found that people who eat full-fat dairy products, for example,
actually have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. (Speaking of
fat...Prevention's The Fat Cell Solution shows you how to retrain your fat cells to lose weight fast!)
In an effort to go more natural and stop fearing fat, I decided to
try eliminating any traces of artificially low-fat/fat-free foods in
favor of the real thing. Here's what happened.

I got to relive my childhood.
As health-oriented as I am, I admit that good
(ok, fattening) food and happy memories often go hand-in-hand. There's a
reason why we serve cake at birthday parties rather than kale, right?
For me, one of my favorite memories is of having big breakfasts after sleeping over at my grandparents' house. Bacon
was the highlight of the meal, and the scent would reach every corner
of the house. (Most times the bacon smell was my alarm clock, and once I
caught whiff of it, I was up faster than Christmas morning.)
Now that I'm raising my own family, breakfasts rarely include bacon, and if they do it's the low-fat turkey variety. It satisfies my crunch cravings, but it's hardly the same. Once I banned low-fat foods, I decided to go old-school and cook up real bacon just like my grandma used to. Not only was it delicious, but the smell was as amazing as I remembered, and I was glad it lingered long after breakfast ended. Should you eat bacon every day? Probably not. But enjoying it once a week—and recreating family Sunday mornings of yesteryear—seems totally worth it.
MORE: 8 Ways To Eat Bacon And Still Lose Weight—Seriously
Now that I'm raising my own family, breakfasts rarely include bacon, and if they do it's the low-fat turkey variety. It satisfies my crunch cravings, but it's hardly the same. Once I banned low-fat foods, I decided to go old-school and cook up real bacon just like my grandma used to. Not only was it delicious, but the smell was as amazing as I remembered, and I was glad it lingered long after breakfast ended. Should you eat bacon every day? Probably not. But enjoying it once a week—and recreating family Sunday mornings of yesteryear—seems totally worth it.
MORE: 8 Ways To Eat Bacon And Still Lose Weight—Seriously

I was really satisfied, even when eating less.
For years when I wanted something sweet, I'd
opt for blah, flavorless fro-yo. To mask the unfortunate taste of
nothingness, I'd pile on the candy toppings—which probably doubled my
calorie intake. (Toppings are easy to overdo—here are 7 of the worst offenders.)
[post_ads]One day after I ditched low-fat junk, I decided to take my daughter for an after-school treat at the local ice cream shop in my town, which is as old-school as they come—cute checkered floors, quaint little tables, and definitely no fro-yo. So let's just say I was practically forced to get a scoop of good 'ol ice cream. Since I didn't want my daughter to see my larger-than-life adult portion size, I got a kid's size cup to match hers. I ate slowly and matched her bite for bite, and you know what? One scoop of the real stuff was just right. I didn't feel like I was missing out at all.
[post_ads]One day after I ditched low-fat junk, I decided to take my daughter for an after-school treat at the local ice cream shop in my town, which is as old-school as they come—cute checkered floors, quaint little tables, and definitely no fro-yo. So let's just say I was practically forced to get a scoop of good 'ol ice cream. Since I didn't want my daughter to see my larger-than-life adult portion size, I got a kid's size cup to match hers. I ate slowly and matched her bite for bite, and you know what? One scoop of the real stuff was just right. I didn't feel like I was missing out at all.

I consumed fewer calories over the course of the day.
I don't normally track my calorie intake, but
when I started this experiment I started paying more attention to those
numbers to see how they compared. And I was surprised to realize that
eating more "regular" foods translated to me taking in fewer calories.
In the past, I'd typically eat a Yoplait Light Strawberry Yogurt with
only 100 calories for breakfast—but I was usually hungry again before
finishing my cup of coffee. So I'd soon go searching for something else
to nibble on, and I'd essentially end up eating a second breakfast. The
result: I'd eaten 300+ calories before noon.
PREVENTION PREMIUM: 5 "Healthy" Eating Habits That Aren't Nearly As Good As You Think They Are
When I swapped my usual yogurt for Fage Total Plain Greek Yogurt with 190 calories and put some actual berries on top, I was done. The thought of consuming anything else before lunch made me feel sick—I was so full. (Remember these four things before buying Greek yogurt.)
When I swapped my usual yogurt for Fage Total Plain Greek Yogurt with 190 calories and put some actual berries on top, I was done. The thought of consuming anything else before lunch made me feel sick—I was so full. (Remember these four things before buying Greek yogurt.)
I noticed something similar when it came to snacks.
Normally a snack for me might be an apple, banana, or some pretzels.
That would satisfy me for a little while, but not for long, so I'd keep
on snacking. Adding in some fat made a big difference. I decided to
snack on almonds whenever a craving hit—a small handful goes a long
way—and added pumpkin seeds to my yogurt. Perhaps not surprisingly, I
felt fuller longer.
The same thing happened at dinner. Although I mostly cook things like
grilled chicken and veggies, every now and then I'd experiment with a
creamy pasta dish. But skim milk doesn't really provide much creaminess,
and low-fat cheese doesn't melt especially well. While the lackluster
taste should have dissuaded me, I probably ate more because it wasn't so
satisfying. Once I used the real stuff, a smaller portion did the
Now that it's been almost two months since I changed my eating
habits, I realize I'd been a little scared of eating more fat, probably
because I'd been brainwashed as a child into thinking it's always
terrible. The truth is that fat is a nutrient your body actually needs—for
cell growth, nutrient absorption, and energy—and since it digests
slowly you feel satisfied for a longer period of time and eat less
I never weigh myself, so I can't tell you if I've lost any weight since eating more fat.
But I do know that I'm having fewer cravings, I'm enjoying cooking
more, and my jeans are sliding on. Most importantly, I feel like I'm
healthier. Probably because I am.