It is not unusual to feel pain or inactivity in fingers by constant working for a long time. Specially who have to use computer keyboard and mouse can have some exercise during their works to avoid such problem in fingers. Let’s know about this:
1. Fold all your fingers except the old one in such a way that the head of the fingers come nearer to the wrest as much as possible. Then relax your fingers. Do it again ten times by calculating 1-10 in mind. And then change your hand after one another in the same way.
2. Now these four fingers fold again in such a way that the heads of the fingers touch the middle position of palm and every joint of your fingers remain folded. Then relax again your fingers. Do this ten times exchanging your hands.
3. Touch your palm with the old finger by folding it. Then relax and do this also ten times in the same way in both hands.
4. Now keep still your old fingers of right hand and touch its top with other fingers on after another. This is to twice by both hands.
5. Rap a rubber band round your right hand’s fingers. The position of the band will be the middle position of your fingers. Now make straight your fingers against the band’s force slowly. It has to be done ten times by both hands also.
Professor Soheli Rahman
Head of dept. Dept. of physical medicine and Rehabilitation. Dhaka Medical College and Hospital
Courtesy: The Daily Most