Professor Khaja Nazim Uddin, Medicine Specialist
We take any kind of pain in belly as gastric. Many even take tablet like Omeprazole or antacid taking the pain as gastric.
There are two things to notice. Firstly, every pain in belly is not pain of gastric. Secondly, we should not take anti gastric medicine day after day as nonsense.
Pain in upper belly can also be anything instead of gastric or peptic. For example: Discomfort, inflammation and nausea can also happen in non-ulcer dyspepsia. This symptom also appears in stone of gallbladder. Even sometimes there are pain in belly instead of chest in heart disease and hesitate the patients. Sometimes there can have pain in liver or pancreas related disease. Pain in belly also grows as a result of mental strain.
There are also constipation, extra human waste and pain anywhere in belly in the symptom of IBS or irritable bowel. This kind of pain suffers at the first half of the day usually. The patient has to go toilet frequently. Also there is no certain reason behind this. If there is peptic ulcer in stomach, the pain will increase after eating food. The pain of gallbladder also rises after eating, especially after heavy eating. But duodenal or intestinal ulcer increase in empty stomach. If there is pain in belly with weight loss and distaste, it should be taken seriously if there is cancer or not. If the Virus named helicobacter pillory creates inflammation in stomach, pain rises. Endoscopy plays vital role in this pain. Medicine course should be completed in helicobacter pillory infection.
[post_ads]If you take medicine of gastric without indentifying your problem day after day, PH and composite environment of stomach can be imbalanced. Various kinds of vitamins can hinder mineral exploitation. This is the cause of lack of vitamins and anemia. In a study it has been seen that long habit of taking this kind of medicine can cause osteoporosis and harm kidney. This habit can also remove the symptoms sometimes. And that’s why complex diseases like cancer or pancreas related become difficult to identify.
So, we should avoid frequent taking medicine without doctor’s suggestion in this kind of problems. Besides, in distaste, weight loss or discomfort and anemia of pancreas problem we should take immediate suggestion of doctors.
Courtesy: The Daily Most