Before beginning any diet, you need to be a aware of certain numbers. Remember, 3,500 calories is equal to 1 lb of fat. To lose 1 lb. per week, you need to cut an average of 500 calories daily. The loss of 500 calories may be eliminated via diet, exercise or both. If you want to lose 2 lbs a week, 1,000 daily calories must be eliminated. It is best to keep a log of the foods you eat, as well as exercise intensity, length and frequency.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is a must for women wanting to lose body fat. Swim, run, walk, bicycle or dance to elevate heart rate and burn calories. Try including interval training when engaging in aerobic activities. This is where you reach at least 80 to 90 percent of your heart rate maximum for two or three minutes, before sharply decreasing is for a similar amount of time. Sprint for a minute then walk for two. Swim for three minutes and slowly walk around the pools shallow end. These improve conditioning and burn body fat quickly. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes, at least 5 days a week.
Strength Training
Strength training must always be included in a weight loss program. Women tend to omit this type of training out of fear of gaining extra bulk, weight and potentially looking like a man. Women's bodies are not built to get huge, and lighter resistance with several repetitions is key to toning feminine muscles. You should address all major muscle groups during a minimum of two weekly strength training sessions. Allow one to two days of rest in between so muscles receive adequate rest and repair.
Meal Consumption
Instead of traditional three square daily meals, slice them in half for six smaller meals every two to three hours. Each meal should consist of 200-300 calories, depending on your weight loss goals. Every meal should consist of a lean protein and complex carbohydrate to keep you satiated, curb cravings, stabilize blood sugar and keep your metabolism elevated all day.