Step 1
Eat smaller meals more often during the day. The American Council on Exercise recommends reducing your portion sizes by 10 to 15 percent if you're trying to lose weight. Rather than rushing through your meals, eat slowly and enjoy each bite; you'll be more aware of your body's signs that you're full, and you'll be less likely to eat more than you need.
Step 2
Focus on low-fat and non-fat foods. Choose more fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and dairy products. Eat a variety within each food group. Avoid greasy, salty and high-fat foods like fast food, chips, pizza, fried foods and cookies.
Step 3
Drink alcohol beverages in moderation. Although some alcoholic drinks don’t have many calories, they do have sugar and carbohydrates, and they offer nothing in the way of nutrients that fill you up. Try to cut the amount you drink in half or limit yourself to less than three drinks a week.
Step 1
Build lean muscles and improve your metabolism with a weight training program. Train each major muscle group in your body at least twice a week with eight to 12 repetitions for eight to 10 different exercises. Rest each muscle group for 48 hours in between each workout.
Step 2
Target your lower belly with abdominal exercises at least three times a week. ShapeFit suggests performing hanging leg raises, exercise ball crunches and seated leg pull-ins. To perform an exercise ball crunch, sit on an exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor and slowly lay down until your back is on the top of the ball. Place your hands behind your head, use your stomach muscles to lift yourself up into a sitting position and slowly lay back down until you’re in the starting position again. Repeat as many times as you can.
Step 3
Perform a combination of moderate and intense cardio exercise five to seven days per week. Moderately paced cardio exercise is done at a steady but challenging pace, such as jogging or going for a bike ride and can be performed for 30 to 60 minutes per session. Intense cardio causes you to work very fast and can only be maintained for short periods of time, such as 20 to 30 minutes. For example, performing sprinting or jump rope intervals.