Massaging the head
– Good way to eliminate headache is massage. It will improve blood circulation in the problematic areas, thus releasing stress and reducing pain.
We recommend this method that could help you more than a pill.
Massage with towel
– Another effective way is improving circulation of blood to the head and neck, which helps to eliminate pain.
Massaging the head is very pleasant procedure.
Therapeutic massage of the head with a towel
-Select good quality towel for procedure. Roll it into a roll using a spiral motion. Press the towel on the nape holding the ends of the towel with both hands. Move the towel on the head, neck and shoulders. Keep it rhythmic and unroll the towel gradually for the massage to be more intense.
Do this procedure for 3-5 minutes. Such stimulation will be sufficient to reduce pain, but if the pain persists, take a break of 10 minutes, and repeat the massage.
Manual therapists believe that the most common cause of headaches is cramping. Spiral towel massage relaxes the head and neck area thus affects the elimination of spasticity and positively impacts the clenched vertebrae of the neck.
It is good to be combined the massaging the head, when you have strong headaches, with additional therapy with mint tea which affects the relaxation of blood vessels. The pain will quickly disappear!