7 Perfect Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Weight And Keep You Active

From Editorial Team

Losing the excess pounds on body will be the first resolution to most of the individuals. We do a lot of things to lose weight. One of the best remedy to stay fit in shape and lose additional pounds is to do “Yoga”. This is because yoga coordinates all parts of your body to function as one and helps you to get the optimal weight.

There are some wonderful and best yoga poses that help you lose your weight faster. In this article you will know more about 7 such poses that are really easy to perform at home and at your convenience.


Parsvottasana or Side Stretch

You just need to stand sideways with your feet well apart, and set up your right foot forward. Then bend the right knee and stretch your left leg. Try to get your hips as much low as possible, and lean the right elbow on your right knee. Raise your left hand high, following it with your eyes. Stretch your left hand high up in the air as much as you can, and do the same with your left leg that is now stretched. It is very important that you keep your right knee and ankle in the same line. Adjust the armpit on your knee and hold this position for 3 sets. Repeat the same with your left side. This position helps you melt the fat on the sides of your waist and to stretch the muscles of your thighs.

Prasarita Padottanasana or Standing Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Stand with both feet widely separated and separate your toes a little. Lean down and hold your legs tight. You will feel how your back and legs stretch. Fix your hips over your ankles and rest your neck and head, lifting them up. And suddenly, you will be surprised how your head will eventually go between your legs. Do these exercises and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce the intake of alcohol and processed sugars and over time you will lose more weight.


Anjaneyasana or Crescent Lunge Twist

Start by setting your legs one next to another. Take a step forward with the right foot. Keep your left leg tightened, and slightly raise your heel. Place your left elbow on the right knee and turn. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose and do three series. If you have a problem with the balance, lower your left knee on the ground. Repeat the same position with your left side. This position will help you stimulate the digestive system.

Halasana or Plough

This position regulates the function of your thyroid, improves the function of the digestive fluids in your body and you should do it as soon as you can. You need to lie on your back and straighten your legs up. Press your hands on the ground next to your hips and start raising your hips slowly. Hold your hands on the hips and push them up. You will have succeeded to get to the proper position once you place your hips right above your shoulders. You should keep your spine tightly stretched, place your toes over your head and touch the ground. In this way you will also stretch your legs. Do the exercise twice a day and try to remain in this posture for a few minutes. Since this is a really tough one, you will need several attempts to reach final phases. So be careful!

Naukasana or Boat

Sit with your legs bent. Tighten the back of your knees and raise the chest. Hold your spine upright. Then lean back and hold the back tight. You will feel how your stomach muscles activate. Breathe properly for an extra strength during the exercise. Relax your feet and try to stretch them out. Hold in this position for 5 breathing series and repeat it 5 five times. This is great for your abs and back.

Chaturanga Dandasana or Low Plank

Lie on your stomach and place your hands in line with your shoulders. Spread your fingers as much as you can. You may feel some pain in your joints, but over time you will strengthen your muscles and that will be no problem. The point is to remain as flat as a plank. Keep your shoulders in a straight line with your hips and heels. Repeat this exercise for five times in five breathing intervals. This position will help you melt fat on your arms and it will sure give you a great muscle definition.

Natarajasana or Lord of The Dance

Start by setting your feet one next to another. Bend the right knee and lift your right hand. Grab your foot from the inside (this will allow you to stretch your shoulders back), then bring your knees one next to another again, and stretch your left hand for a balance. Slowly bring your right and left hip in a same line. Hold your chest upright and push towards the hand that is behind you. At the beginning you may have problems with the balance, and you can help yourself near a wall, but be careful not to become dependent on it. Repeat the pose on both sides in 5 breathing.

So these were some of the best poses that you can follow to help you burn the excess fat in your body and bring you in shape. And also do not expect to get the body of your dreams immediately since only a regular yoga practice will help you get a better shaped body and be more self-confident. Do not forget to breathe properly during your exercises. Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, otherwise your exercises will not give you the desired effect. Also, if you feel any of the pose is really difficult to perform, then please do not force yourself to do it.

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: 7 Perfect Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Weight And Keep You Active
7 Perfect Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Weight And Keep You Active
There are some wonderful and best yoga poses that help you lose your weight faster. In this article you will know more about 7 such poses that are really easy to perform at home and at your convenience.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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