According to Cancer Research UK, prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the UK.
Eating the right dietary compounds in sufficient quantities can improve your overall health and reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer in the future. But what are the best ways to boost prostate health?
Oncology Dietitian Tara Whyand gives us her 10 most up to date tips on how to do this.
It is believed that lycopene in red fruit and tomatoes helps to protect prostate cells. High lycopene intake of at least 10mg a day (e.g. six cooked plum tomatoes) may provide the most benefit.
Limit dairy product intake. A high intake of dairy protein and dairy calcium is linked to higher risk of prostate cancer. Intake should be limited to the recommended three portions of dairy a day which sufficiently protects bones and teeth, or swap to an alternative.
Drink dairy alternatives such as soya, which are fortified with vitamins and minerals and may have additional benefits over dairy due to the isoflavone content.
Replace animal fat with vegetable oils. Saturated fat, mainly found in animal sources may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Vegetable oils such as olive, nut and rapeseed oil should be used over butter, lard, dripping and suet.
Regular Pomegranate consumption appears to be good for prostates. It is believed that the polyphenols found in pomegranates delivers supportive health properties. You would need to eat around four pomegranates a day for the best benefits.
Drinking Green Tea is believed to minimise the risk of prostate cancer, but if you are unable to drink a few cups a day, green tea extracts are available.
Keep to a maximum 500g cooked weight of red meat per week and make sure it's not 'well done'. Red meat is also rich in saturated fat and so should be consumed in small amounts and eaten lean.
Eat more cruciferous vegetables e.g. broccoli, sprouts and cauliflower which contain prostate cancer fighting compounds.
Avoid becoming obese (BMI >30) as this increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Exercise most days of the week. Aim for at least 30 minutes and include anything that makes you slightly sweaty and out of breath to reduce your risk!
ProfBiotics Prostate capsules contain Pomegranate, Lycopene and Green Tea which are designed for prostate wellbeing and can be taken as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
ProfBiotics Prostate is priced at RRP £29.50 and is available from profbiotics.com or by calling 020 7193 8838.
Source : Female First