Quality sleep is just a few minutes away

There’s nothing more annoying than not being able to fall sleep. You’re in your favorite pjs, you’re totally beat...but nada, no sleep for you. Now a new study offers up a simple trick to make falling asleep fast a reality.
Spending 10 minutes doing a tension-taming technique before bedtime was shown to significantly improve the sleep quality in study participants, according to a new study in the journal CHEST. The technique involved different types of simple deep breathing and imagery—whatever participants preferred.
The results? The technique lowered the stress levels in 65% of participants. And as any sleepless sufferer knows, stress—and it’s annoying affect on your busy brain—is a common sleep-stealing offender.
You can get in on the tension-taming action by doing deep breathing for 10 minutes before bed while practicing guided imagery—focusing on a specific image or sensation that evokes the emotions you want to feel. If you’re new to guided imagery, check out HealthJourneys.com and the Academy For Guided Imagery for resources and ideas.
For more ways to relax before bed—or any time of day—try these quick stress solutions:
Give yourself a hug.
When you think negatively about yourself, the brain's amygdala sends signals that increase blood pressure and raise adrenaline and cortisol levels. Researcher Kristin Neff, PhD, at the University of Texas, recommends the "surreptitious self-hug"—wrapping your arms around yourself and squeezing. Even your own touch releases oxytocin and other biochemicals that promote well-being.
Be a jaw dropper
"Relaxing your tongue and jaw sends a message to your brain stem and limbic system to turn off the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol," says neuropsychologist Marsha Lucas, PhD. Simply let your tongue go limp in your mouth, and then open your mouth slightly, which will instantly loosen up your jaw. "These exercises help bring our parasympathetic nervous system online, which tells our bodies to rest and restore," Lucas says.
Focus on the exhale
We've all heard that deep breathing is crucial to feeling tranquil, but the most important part of it is breathing out, says neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, PhD, the author of Buddha's Brain. "When you elongate your exhalations, you spark your parasympathetic nervous system, which slows down your heart rate." Take three long exhalations, making them twice as long as your inhalation.
Think sensually
Next time you're feeling frazzled, try a tactile solution. During peak moments of stress, endorphins released into the brain relieve pain and begin a recovery period. Doing things that feel good physically—such as taking a warm shower or listening to a favorite piece of music—mimics this process and shuts down the stress deluge.
By Diana Kelly