Leading a healthy life is hard nowadays, especially when most of your co-workers and friends influence how you spend your spare time. Chatting with them through different social media websites makes you forced to be at home doing practically nothing. This type of behavior causes you to indulge in habits that are not so good for your health. To raise your awareness about them, we have decided to point out 5 habits that are aging you.

Unfortunately, stress can become a very unhealthy habit in all our lives. If you are in the habit of being stressed out over some relatively small things, then know that over time you won’t be able to perform any task without losing it completely. Stress is known to shrink areas of the brain that are responsible of your mood, memory, and learning; ultimately making you feel older.

The College Bedtime
Remember that you are not in college anymore, and it isn’t healthy to have little sleep on a daily basis. You are not partying every other night nowadays, so why should you still fall asleep at 5 in the morning? If you have to go to work in the morning, try to fall asleep at midnight at least, as you need to have seven or eight hours of sleep every day. Know that lack of sleep can also lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Lack of Exercise
As you grow older, exercise isn’t as much fun as it used to be. Most people would rather watch a TV show and eat some junk food instead of going out for a run. However, once we gain some weight, we immediately decide that it is time to do some exercises. This is a bad habit, as exercising only for a couple of weeks a year will not help you with bettering your health. Constant exercise (even if it’s only 15 minutes per day) can reduce inflammation and prevent type 2 diabetes and many other chronic conditions.

Consuming a lot of Sugar
There is no doubt that chocolate and cakes are some of the best things that you can eat, but the time when you could eat half a cake at once has passed. One of the hardest things that you could ever do is eliminate sugar from your life, but try at least limiting your daily intake of it. Too much sugar can make your skin wrinkled and dull, and will also show the bad effect of it on your waistline.

Lack of Sex
Apart from it being great for your mood, sex can also help you have a stronger immune system, and lower your risk of cancer and heart disease. Lack of sex can make you feel grumpy, which will ultimately make you look older. Some studies show that sex can even make you look younger!
By Milan Koen