The delicious pistachio nuts have been revered as the symbol of vigorous health and wellness for years now. The nuts are filled with essential nutrients and hence, come loaded with a number of health benefits. Instead of indulging in wafers and other fatty foods in the name of snacks, pistachios may be your best bet, as this is the healthiest option available. Some 50 pistachios equals to one serving. So, go ahead and munch some the next time you feel like snacking.

Contains Fewer Calories Compared To Its Counterparts
For those wanting to keep a check on calories, it is important to note that it contains fewer calories and more potassium and vitamin K per serving than other nuts. A 1-ounce serving of dry-roasted pistachios contains 160 calories, 6 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, 15 grams of fat and only 2 grams of saturated fat.

Boosts Immune System
Regular intake of pistachios will boost your immune system as it provides 25 per cent of the daily value for vitamin B-6, 15 per cent of the daily value for thiamine and phosphorus and 10 per cent of the daily value for magnesium.

Has Anti-aging Properties
Vitamin E present in pistachios helps in reversing the aging process. It contains a variety of effective antioxidants that aid in neutralizing free radicals, which is the main reason behind premature aging.

Helps Fight Hair Loss
Biotin deficiency has been considered as one of the chief culprits behind hair loss. Pistachios contain high amount of biotin and regular consumption of pistachios can help in fighting hair-loss effectively. It also stimulates healthy growth of hair.

Best Pre-workout Snack
Pistachios contain the right balance of healthy fat, protein, and fiber, which will work as essential factors in revving your metabolism and also keep you feeling full for longer durations. Pistachios have high-fiber content and help in regulating blood sugar levels, so no mid-workout hunger pangs.
By Rimme Dirchi