Yoga, in its essence, is a physical, mental and spiritual practice and a branch of philosophy. Its main belief is that happiness and a balanced life are achieved through the integration of all aspects of the individual. Meanwhile, the physical practice of Yoga is a combination of flexibility exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation. This ancient practice is an effective solution for weight loss and muscle strength. Besides that, it also reduces stress and anxiety resulting to mental clarity. But clearly, Yoga carries a much greater impact.
The Physical Self
One obvious benefit of Yoga is the improved flexibility of the individual. Moving and stretching exercises bring more motion to tight areas in muscles that restrain you from being flexible. Flexibility is important to physical health. Lack of it will cause immobility in the long run. Exercises in Yoga are designed to suit whatever the person’s weight is, strength capability, age and gender, therefore achieving flexibility would not be difficult for anyone.
Besides flexibility, strength and balance is improved. Many yoga poses require the individual to support his/her weight through equilibrium, such as balancing on one leg. Maintaining poses in the interval of several breaths also helps build strength. As a product of improved strength, you will see increased muscle tone. Consequently, building more muscles means that you were able to get rid of body fats.
The Mental Self
The physical exercises require you to concentrate on your body and what it is doing, leading to a more focused mind. The concentration and full body awareness that is necessary in Yoga reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Breathing and meditation are also a great way to help you in achieving a peaceful state of mind. In addition, Yoga’s emphasis on ‘being in the moment’ helps you put away your current stressors and focus on what is happening at the present. By doing so, you will have a sharper mind. Confidence is also built in this practice. Body awareness, weight loss and physical strength will help you feel more confident in your own body.
The Spiritual Self
Through meditation, intuitive ability is improved. Intuition is an individual’s way of taking in information outside the use of his/her’s five senses. It is also responsible in seeing the ‘bigger picture’ in everything. An improved intuition equates to a higher sense of awareness, which is the foundation of spirituality. See more to what there is in the physical world and be in tune with your inner consciousness. Spirituality also helps in making an individual more humble by recognizing the things in his/her life to be thankful for. As a whole, a greater sense of fulfillment is achieved.
The world we live in is full of noise and chaos. Yoga helps us attain peacefulness despite the stresses of everyday life. By putting these health benefits altogether, an individual can achieve an overall healthy well-being. The benefits of Yoga are much more profound than simply having a stronger and leaner physique. It changes the individual holistically—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
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