There are several aspects that can affect the mental, emotional state and composure of a person. When a person’s mood is affected, their weight almost always gets affected. The ways in which mood affects weight can be both positive or negative. One can either have a good mood or a bad mood.
When certain people are faced with a stressful situation, the body triggers responses that prompt people into eating, which in turn results to people gaining weight. High calorie foods are popular for comfort foods and only provide temporary satisfaction. Increase in calorie intake when hardly engaging in physical activity leads to weight gain.
When people are depressed they are mainly inactive and will perform the slightest physical activity with a lot of effort. This kind of inactive lifestyle when one is in a state of depression can lead to weight gain.
Increase in the levels of certain hormones in the bloodstream has proven to induce the desire to eat, leading to weight gain. In contrast, some hormones reduce the desire to eat as well, leading to loss of weight. The hormones that control these changes are the ghrelin and leptin hormones. Normally, the changes in the hormonal levels are influenced by various external factors such as stress.
Being overweight will lead to decreased energy levels. Overweight people are also at the risk of developing sleeping disorders, hence they become fatigued and unable to execute their duties effectively and efficiently. Fatigue can often make people feel grumpy and create difficulties in concentration. Fatigue reduces the morale to engage in physical activity leading to weight gain.
Being in a good mood will lead to improved self esteem, confidence, minimal stress and abundant energy. People who have these qualities are positive about life and are able to face various challenges. They recognize the underlying problem in a situation and try to solve them quickly. They are confident about their bodies and believe in themselves during the execution of weight loss procedures such as dieting and exercise. Most times, these people are able to achieve weight loss.
Exercise leads to the development of a positive mood. When one exercises they are able to lose weight and begin making better food choices; they avoid the comfort foods altogether. Essential nutrients from better selections of food can enable one to cope with stress better.
As explained, mood affects weight in so many ways but at the end of the day, people are in control of their moods. More often than not, one can find a solution to their problems. We should embark in positive thinking and living; taking care of ourselves builds confidence and makes us enjoy life!
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